Items where Division is "Preprints" and Year is 1999

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 151.

A'Campo, N. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Immersed curves, knots and singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 b).

Abramovich, D. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Factorization of birational maps. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 a).

Abramovich, D. and Karu, K. and Matsuki, K. and Wlodarczyk, J. (1999) Torification and factorization of birational maps. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (59).

Alekseevsky, D and Spiro, A (1999) Invariant CR structures on compact homogeneous manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (24).

Aluffi, P. and Faber, C. (1999) Plane curves with small linear orbits II. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (67).

Amorós, Jaume and Bauer, Ingrid (1999) On the number of defining relations for nonfibered Kähler groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (4).

Ando, N. (1999) A class of real-analytic surfaces in the 3-Euclidian space. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (121).

Balaji, V. and Biswas, I. and del Baño, S. (1999) A Torelli type theorem for the moduli space of parabolic vectorbundles of rank two over curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (10).

Baranovsky, Vladimir (1999) Moduli of Sheaves on Surfaces and Action of the Oscillator Algebra. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (5).

Bloch, S. and Esnault, H. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Riemann-Roch theorems for flat bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 e).

Boyer, Ch. P. and Galicki, K. (1999) A note on toric contact geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (72).

Broussous, Paul and Grabitz, Martin (1999) Pure elements and intertwining classes of simple strata in local central simple algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (15).

Böckle, G. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - L-functions over function fields: A cohomological approach. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 c).

Carey, A. L. and Marcolli, M. and Wang, B. L. (1999) Exact triangles in Seiberg-Witten Floer theory. Part I: the geometric triangle. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (33).

Connes, A. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Explicit formulas as trace formulas, quntized calculus, and spectral interpretation of the zeros of the Rie. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 d).

Cornelissen, G. (1999) The 2-primary class group of certain hyperelliptic curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (96).

Crossley, M. D. and Whitehouse, S. (1999) Higher conjugation cohomology in commutative Hopf algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (74).

Devchand, Ch. and Schiff, J. (1999) Supersymmetric integrable systems from geodesic flows on superconformal groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (46).

Ding, J. and Kharachev, S. and Khoroshkin, S. and Pakuliak, S. (1999) Analytical properties of Elliptic currents. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (8).

Donin, J. (1999) Double quantization on coadjoint representations of simple Lie groups and its orbits. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (103).

Drozd, Y. (1999) Finitely generated quadratic modules. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (108).

Ellis, Graham (1999) On the relation between upper central quotients and lower central series of a group. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (28).

Ezhov, V. V. and Schmalz, G. (1999) Isotropic automorphisms non-quadratic elliptic CR-manifolds in C^4. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (58).

Falliero, Thérèse (1999) Harmonic differentials and infinite geodesics joining two cusps on a Riemann surface. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (27).

Farber, M. (1999) Absolute torsion and eta-invariant. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (11).

Farber, M. (1999) Counting zeros of closed 1-forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (19).

Feigin, B. L. and Odesskii, A. V. (1999) Functional realization of some elliptic Hamiltonian structures and bosonization of the corresponding quantum algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (133).

Gabriel, C. V. (1999) Existence and uniqueness theorem for Frenet frame supercurves. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (94).

Gatsinzi, J.-B. (1999) Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of classifying spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (2).

Gavrilov, L. and Perelomov, A. M. (1999) On the explicit solutions of the elliptic Calogero system. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (32).

Gervais, J.-L. (1999) Lax equations in ten-dimensional supersymmetric classical Yang-Mills theories. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (48).

Golyshev, V. and Lunts, V. and Orlov, D. (1999) Mirror symmetry for Abelian varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (22).

Goncharov, A. B. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Galois groups, geometry of modular varieties and graphs. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 f).

Gonzalez, J. (1999) Generalized Conner-Floyd conjecture and non-immersions of low 2-torsion lens spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (126).

González, J. (1999) Non-immersions of 2^k-lens spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (106).

Grabitz, M. (1999) Simple characters for principal orders and their matching. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (117).

Greuel, G.-M. and Drozd, Y. A. (1999) On the classification of vector bundles on projective curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (130).

Grigorchuk, R. L. and Bartholdi, L. (1999) On the spectrum of Hecke type operators related to some fractal groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (116).

Grinenko, M. (1999) On a rigidity criterion for del Pezzo fibrations over P^1. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (122).

Gritsenko, V. (1999) Complex vector bundles and Jacobi forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (76).

Gritsenko, V. (1999) Elliptic genus of Calabi-Yau manifolds and Jacobi and Siegel modular forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (75).

Gritsenko, V. (1999) Generalized ellipticc genera. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 g).

Gubeladze, J. and Bruns, W. (1999) Polytopal linear retractions. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (127).

Haines, Th. J. (1999) On matrix coefficients of the Satake isomorphism: Complements to the paper of M. Rapoport. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (69).

Haines, Th. J. (1999) Test functions for Shimura varieties: The Drinfeld case. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (70).

Haines, Th. J. (1999) The combinatorics of Bernstein functions. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (68).

Hambleton, I. and Pedersen, E. K. (1999) Compactifying infinite group actions. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (60).

Hinich, V. (1999) Virtual operad algebras and realization of homotopy types. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (79).

Hinich, Vladimir (1999) Deformations of homotopy algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (30).

Karpov, B. V. (1999) On correlation between testing S-duality conjecture and exceptional bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (77).

Kashaev, R. M. (1999) The pentagon equation and mapping class groups of punctured surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (45).

Kato, F. (1999) Exactness, integrality, and log modifications. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (91).

Kato, F. (1999) p-adic Schwarzian triangle groups of Mumford type. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (90).

Katsura, Toshiyuki (1999) On the distribution of linear codes around the [7,4,3]-Hamming code. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (3).

Khudaverdian, O. M. (1999) Delta-Operator on Semidensities and Integral Invariants in the Batalin-Vilkovisky Geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (135).

Kontogeorgis, A. and Kato, F. and Cornelissen, G. (1999) Discontinous groups in positive characterstic and automorphisms of Mumford curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (89).

Kontsevich, M. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Non-commutative smooth spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 h).

Kontsevich, M. and Rosenberg, A. (1999) Noncommutative Smooth spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (83).

Latschev, J. (1999) Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and homotopy type. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (115).

Lazarev, A. (1999) Topological Hochschild cohomology and applications to Morava K-theories. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (95).

Leites, D. and Sergeev, A. (1999) Orthogonal polynomials of discrete variable and Lie algebras of complex size matrices. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (44).

Levin, A. M. and Olshanetsky, M. A. (1999) Non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems related to higher Hitchin integrals. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (41).

Leznov, A. N. (1999) New approach to representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras and quantum algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (43).

Malinin, D. A. (1999) Galois stability for integral representations of finite Abelian groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (128).

Manin, Yu. and Kapranov, M. (1999) Modules and Morita theorem for operads. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (49).

Manin, Yu. I. (1999) International Seminar on Integrable Systems. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (36).

Manin, Yu. I. and Zograf, P. (1999) Invertible cohomological field theories. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (25).

Marcolli, M. and Wang, B.-L. (1999) Exact triangles in Seiberg-Witten Floer theory. Part II: geometric limits of flow lines. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (55).

Markushevich, D. and Iliev, A. (1999) The Abel-Jacobi map for a cubic threefold and periods of Fano threefolds of degree 14. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (113).

Markushevich, D. and Iliev, A. (1999) Quartic 3-fold: Pfaffians, instantons, and half-canonical curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (125).

Masur, H. and Tabachnikov, S. (1999) Rational billiards and flat structures. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (65).

Matveev, V. B. (1999) Intertwining relations between the Fourier transform and discrete Fourier transform, the related functional identities and beyon. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (134).

Matveev, V. S. and Topalov, P. (1999) Quantum integrability of the Beltrami-Laplace operator for geodesically equivalent metrics. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (21).

Matveev, V. S. and Topalov, P. J. (1999) Geodesic euivalence of metrics as a particular case of integrability of geodesic flows. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (47).

Matveev, V. B. and Korotkin, D. A. (1999) Schlesinger system, Einstein equations, and hyperelliptic curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (85).

Mineyev, I. (1999) Bounded cohomology characterizes hyperbolic groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (80).

Moroz, B. Z. (1999) On solubility of Diophantine equations (A survey of some results from the analytic theory of numbers). MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (118).

Neretin, Y. A. (1999) Plancherel formula for Berezin deformation of $L^2$ on Riemann symmetric space. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (123).

Neretin, Yu. A. (1999) Matrix analogs of the integral ... and Plancherel formula for Berezin kernel representations. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (52).

Neretin, Yu. A. (1999) Separation of spectra in analysis of Berezin kernels. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (57).

Nikulin, V. V. (1999) On the classification of hyperbolic root systems of the rank three. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (99).

Notbohm, D. (1999) Homology decompositions for classifying spaces of finite groups associated to modular representations. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (112).

O'Raifeartaigh, L. and Pawlowski, J. M. and Sreedhar, V. V. (1999) On the duality of quantum Liouville Field Theory. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (40).

Ohnita, Y. and Mukai, M. (1999) Geometry of the moduli spaces of harmonic maps into Lie groups via gauge theory over Riemann surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (101).

Olive, D. I. (1999) In memory of Misha Saveliev: Lie algebras, integrability and particle physics. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (38).

Olshanetsky, M. (1999) Painlevé type equations and Hitchin systems. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (6).

Orlov, Dimitri (1999) Quasicoherent sheaves in commutative and noncummutative geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (31).

Pedersen, E. K. (1999) Controlled algebraic K-theory, a survey. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (51).

Penkov, Ivan and Serganova, Vera (1999) Weight representations of the polynomial Cartan type Lie algebras W_n and S^{\bar}_n. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (7).

Perelomov, A. M. (1999) Quantum Integrable Systems and Special Functions I. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (81).

Perelomov, A. M. (1999) A note on geodesics on ellipsoid. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (61).

Perelomov, A. M. (1999) A remark on matrix Airy function. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (42).

Phung, Ho Hai (1999) A new realization of matrix bialgebra associated to a Hecke operator. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (12).

Phùng, Hò Hài (1999) Hopf algebras with integrals. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (34).

Ping, Xu (1999) Quantum groupoids. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (53).

Poletaeva, E. (1999) Superconformal algebras and Lie superalgebras of the Hodge theory. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (136).

Pukhlikov, A. V. (1999) Birational automorphisms of algebraic varieties with a pencil of double quadrics. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (107).

Pukhlikov, A. V. (1999) Birationally rigid Fano double hypersurfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (56).

Rapoport, M. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Intersection numbers of Heegner cycles. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 i).

Rosellen, M. (1999) Hurwitz spaces and Frobenius manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (97).

Rosenberg, A. (1999) Noncommutative Spaces and Schemes. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (84).

Rosenberg, A. and Lunts, V. (1999) Kashiwara theorem for hyperbolic algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (82).

Rudyak, Yu. B. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - On category weight and the Arnold conjecture. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 j).

Saidi, M. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Raynaud's theorem on coverings of curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 k).

Saponov, P. and Gurevich, D. (1999) Quantum line bundles via Cayley-Hamilton identity. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (119).

Saveliev, N. (1999) An involution permuting Floer homology. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (64).

Schechtman, V. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Vertex algebras and elliptic genus. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 l).

Seidel, Paul (1999) Graded Lagrangian submanifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (18).

Sengupta, A. N. (1999) The moduli space of flat connections on surfaces with boundary. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (86).

Sengupta, A. N. (1999) The two-parameter Segal-Bargmann transform: Unitarity and uniqueness. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (73).

Shoikhet, B. and Vershik, A. (1999) Lie algebras with continual root system and Cartan subalgebra C[h]. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (37).

Shustin, E. (1999) Lower deformations of isolated hypersurface singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (100).

Shustin, E. and Itenberg, I. (1999) Complexification of the Viro theorem and topology of real combinatorial hypersurfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (111).

Soibelman, Y. (1999) Meromorphic braided category arising in quantum affine algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (29).

Sorba, P. (1999) Deformed Virasoro and W-algebras from elliptic algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (39).

Soulé, Ch. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - On the field with one element. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 m).

Stoimenov, A. (1999) Branched cover homology and Q evaluations. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (92).

Stoimenow, Alexander (1999) The granny and the square tangle and the unknotting number. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (23).

Stoyanov, L. (1999) On the Scattering Length Spectrum for Real Analytic Obstacles. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (62).

Suslin, A. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Present state of the Bloch-Kato conjecture. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 n).

Tabachnikov, S. (1999) A four vertex theorem for polygons. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (66).

Tanabé, S. (1999) Connexion de Gauss-Manin associée à la déformation verselle d'une singularité isolée d'hypersurface et son application au XVIe p. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (63).

Tanabé, Susumu (1999) On geometry of fronts in wave propagations. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (20).

Tanabé, Susumu (1999) Zeros of Abelian integrals and Hilbert's XVIth problem. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (35).

Tikhomirov, A. S. T. and Markushevich, D. (1999) Symplectic structure on a moduli space of sheaves on the cubic threefold. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (114).

Tikhomirov, Alexander S. (1999) Barth map of the moduli space of stable rank-2 vector bundles on P^2. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (9).

Totaro, B. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Topological invariants of singular varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 o).

Tralle, A. and Rudyak, Y. (1999) On symplectic manifolds with aspherical symplectic form. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (88).

Tralle, A. and Rudyak, Yu. (1999) On Thom spaces, Massey products and non-formal symplectic manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (71).

Tralle, Aleksy (1999) Thom spaces and a method of constructing simply-connected closed symplectic non-formal manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (16).

Tyurin, N. (1999) Pseudo symplectic geometry as an extension of the symplectic geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (124).

Urabe, Tohsuke (1999) Resolution of singularities of germs in characteristic positive associated with valuation rings of iterated divisor type. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (13).

Vaintrob, A. and Kimura, T. and Jarvis, T. J. (1999) Moduli spaces of higher spin curves and integrable hierarchies. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (93).

Venkataramana, T. N. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Restriction maps in cohomology of arithmetic groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 p).

Verrill, H. A. (1999) Some congruences related to modular forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (26).

Verrill, Helena A. (1999) L-series of certain rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (17).

Willerton, S. and Mostovoy, J. (1999) Free groups and finite type invariants of pure braids. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (54).

Xicotencatl, M. A. and Cohen, F. R. (1999) On orbit configuration spaces associated to the Gaussian integers: Homotopy and homology groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (129).

Yoshioka, K. (1999) Irreducibility of moduli spaces of vector bundles on K3 surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (105).

Yoshioka, K. (1999) A note on moduli of stable sheaves on ruled surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (104).

Zagier, D. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Half-derivatives of modular forms and invariants of 3-manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 q).

Zagier, D. (1999) Vassiliev invariants and a strange identity related to the Dedekind eta-function. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (78 b).

Zagier, D. and Lawrence, R. (1999) Modular forms and quantum invariants of 3-manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (78 a).

Zagier, D. and Lewis, J. (1999) Period functions for Maass wave forms. I. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (14).

Zhang, Y. (1999) The Brauer group of a finite quantum group (I). MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (98).

Zhitomirskii, M. (1999) 1-forms and vector fields. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (109).

Zhukov, I. B. and Koroteev, M. V. (1999) Elimination of wild ramification. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (102).

Zhukov, I. B. and Vostokov, S. V. (1999) Extensions with almost maximal depth of ramification. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (120).

Ziller, W. (1999) Arbeitstagung 1999 - Curvature and symmetry of Milnor spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (50 r).

du Sautoy, M. and Grunewald, F. (1999) Analytic properties of Zeta functions and subgroup growth. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (87).

du Sautoy, M. and Grunewald, F. (1999) Zeta functions of groups: Zeroes and friendly ghosts. MPIM Preprint Series 1999 (110).

This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 12:50:59 2025 CET.