Items where Year is 1987

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 71.

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Bonn wird Mekka der Mathematiker. Express. (In Press)

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Mathematiker-Treffen. Bonner General-Anzeiger. (In Press)

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Mr. Hirzebruch, a lecture on elliptic genera, at the Arbeitstagung 1987. [Image]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Mr. Hirzebruch, programm discussion, at the Arbeitstagung 1987. [Image]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Mr. Tits at the Arbeitstagung 1987. [Image]

UNSPECIFIED (1987) Rektor empfing Mathematiker. Bonner General-Anzeiger. (In Press)

Abresch, U. and Gromoll, D. (1987) On complete manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (27).

Andreatta, M. and Beltrametti, M. and Sommese, A. J. (1987) Generic properties of the adjunction mapping for singular surfaces and applications. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (51).

André, Y. (1987) Mumford-Tate groups and the theorem of the fixed part. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (21).

André, Y. (1987) What are G-functions? MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (28).

Bahri, A. and Coron, J. M. (1987) On a nonlinear elliptic equation involving the critical Sobolev exponent: the effect of the topology of the domain. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (7).

Baues, H. J. and Conduché, D. (1987) The Central Series for Peiffer Commutators in groups with operators. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (49).

Coron, J.-M. and Gulliver, R. (1987) Minimizing p-harmonic maps into spheres. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (13).

Date, E. (1987) A remark on the connection between affine Lie algebras and soliton equations. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (57).

Donagi, R. (1987) The Schottky Problem. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (56).

Ebeling, W. (1987) Die Monodromiegruppen der isolierten Singularitäten vollständiger Durchschnitte. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (5).

Endell, R. (1987) Multiplizitatsabschätzungen und Interpolation auf kommutativen algebraischen Gruppenvarietäten. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (54).

Esnault, H. and Viehweg, E. (1987) Deligne-Bellinson cohomology. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (2).

Esnault, H. and Viehweg, E. (1987) Vanishing and non-vanishing theorems. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (61).

Fialowski, A. and O'Halloran, J. A. (1987) A comparison of deformations and orbit closure. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (4).

Finn, R. (1987) Non uniqueness and uniqueness of capillary surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (36).

Finn, R. (1987) On the maximum principle. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (22).

Fukaya, K. (1987) Collapsing Riemannian manifolds to ones of lower dimension II. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (10).

Furushima, M. (1987) On complex analytic compactifications of $C^3$. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (19).

Furushima, M. and Nakayama, N. (1987) A new construction of a compactification of $C^3$ with second Betti number one (Dedicated to Prof. Hirzebruch on his sixtieth birthday). MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (52).

Furushima, Mikio (1987) On complex analytic compactifications on $C^3$ (II). MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (45).

Gekeler, E.-U. (1987) On Power sums of Polynomials over finite Fields. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (26).

Gekeler, E.-U. (1987) On the Coefficients of Drinfeld Modular Forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (14).

Gulliver, R. (1987) Isoperimetric problems having continua of solutions. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (6).

Gulliver, R. and White, B. (1987) On convergence rates of harmonic maps near points of discontinuity. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (40).

Herrmann, M. and Ikeda, S. (1987) Three notes on the order of ideals defining hypersurfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (15).

Hubbuck, J. R. (1987) Unstable Atomicity and Loop Spaces on Lie groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (44).

Kahn, C. (1987) Reflexible Moduln auf einfach-elliptischen Flächensingularitäten. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (25).

Kane, R. and Moreno, G. (1987) Spherical homology classes in the Bordism of Lie groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (30).

Kawamoto, N. and Namikawa, Y. and Tsuchiya, A. and Yamada, Y. (1987) Geometric Realization of Conformal Field Theory on Riemann Surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (53).

Kearton, C. (1987) Mutation of knots. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (47).

Koehl, J. (1987) Algebraische Zykel auf Hilbertschen Modulflächen mit Anhang: Klassifikation Hilbertscher Modulflächen zu gewissen diskreten Erweiterungen der Modulgruppe. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (24).

Koiso, M. (1987) Stability of surfaces with constant mean curvature in $R^3$. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (17).

Koiso, N. (1987) On Rotationally Symmetric Hamilton's equation for Kähler-Einstein metrics. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (16).

Krafft, V. and Osenberg, D. (1987) Eisensteinreihen für einige arithmetisch definierte Untergruppen von $SL_2(H)$. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (63).

MPI f. Mathematik (1987) 27. Mathematische Arbeitstagung 1987. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (23).

MPI f. Mathematik (1987) Schloß Ringberg, March 1987:Links between Geometry and Mathematical Physics. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (58).

Masood-ul-Alam, A. K. M. (1987) A proof of the uniqueness of static stellar model with $d\rho/dp$. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (32).

Miyaoka, Yoichi (1987) Abundance Conjecture for 3-folds: Case $\nu=1$. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (46).

Moonen, B. (1987) Geometric Equimultiplicity. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (59).

Morales, M. (1987) Noetherian symbolic blow up and examples in any dimension. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (9).

Morales, M. (1987) Syzygies of monomial curves and a linear diophantine problem of Frobenius. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (48).

Moroz, B. Z. (1987) Scalar product of Hecke L-functions and its application. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (12).

Nakayama, N. (1987) Termination of successive blowing-ups along exceptional curves in threefolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (55).

Ngo Viet Trung and Valla, G. (1987) The Cohen-Macaulay type of points in generic position. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (31).

Ohnita, Y. (1987) Minimal surfaces with constant curvature and Kähler angle in complex space forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (64).

Otten, Geunter (1987) Rechenkünstler wollen keine Tagesordnung. Rhein-Sieg-Anzeiger. (In Press)

Sasaki, T. (1987) On the characteristic function of a strictly convex domain and the Fubini-Pick invariant. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (8).

Sasaki, T. and Yoshida, M. (1987) Linear Differential Equations modeled after Hyperquadrics. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (41).

Simis, A. (1987) Ngo Viet Trung:The divisor class group of ordinary and symbolic blow-ups. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (29).

Skoruppa, N.-P. and Zagier, D. (1987) Jacobi forms and a certain space of modular forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (43).

Skoruppa, N.-P. and Zagier, D. (1987) A trace formula from Jacobi forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (42).

Smith, P. D. (1987) Removable Singularities for the Yang- Mills-Higgs equations in two dimensions. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (35).

Terada, T. (1987) Hypergeometric function $F_1$ and automorphic functions, III. Case with some integer parameters. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (50).

Todorov, A. N. (1987) The Weil-Petersson Geometry of the moduli space of SU(n>=3) (Calabi-Yau) manifolds I. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (33).

Tromba, A. J. (1987) On a potential function for the Weil-Petersson metric on Teichmüller space. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (3).

Tromba, A. T. (1987) Dirichlet's energy and the Nielsen realization problem. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (38).

Tromba, A. T. (1987) A new proof that Teichmüller space is a complex Stein manifold. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (39).

Trudinger, N. S. (1987) Holder gradient estimates for fully nonlinear elliptic equations. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (11).

Urabe, T. (1987) Tie transformations of Dynkin graphs and singularities on quartic surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (60).

Usui, S. (1987) Type I Degeneration of Kunev Surfaces (Dedicated to Prof. Hirzebruch on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday). MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (62).

Wente, H. C. (1987) Stability for the Axially Symmetric Pendent Drop. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (37).

Werner, J. (1987) Kleine Auflösungen spezieller dreidimensionaler Varietäten. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (34).

Wiesbrock, H. W. (1987) Born's postulate and reconstruction on the $\psi$-function in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (1).

Yu, Kunrui (1987) Linear Forms in the p-adic Logarithms. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (20).

Zagier, D. and Kramarz, G. (1987) Numerical Investigations related to the L-Series of certain elliptic curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1987 (18).

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