Items where Year is 2000

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Number of items: 139.

Aleksandrov, A. G. (2000) The Gauss-Manin connexion of an isolated singularity and logarithmic Picard-Fuchs systems. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (37).

Aleksandrov, A. G. (2000) Modular space associated to a graded one-dimensional complete intersection singularity. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (30).

Aleksandrov, A. G. (2000) The theory of logarithmic differential forms and its applications. Torsion differentials and residues. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (39).

Alekseevsky, D. V. and Cortes, V. (2000) Classification of indefinite hyper-Kaehler symmetric spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (79).

Ando, N. (2000) The behavior of the principal distributions on the real-analytic. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (24).

Babich, M. V. (2000) Symmetries of the 4-matrices Schlesinger system. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (6).

Baues, H.-J. (2000) Atoms of topology. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (120).

Baues, H.-J. (2000) Secondary cohomology and the Steenrod square. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (122).

Baues, H.-J. (2000) Torsion bounds of loop spaces and suspensions. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (119).

Baues, H.-J. and Drozd, Yu. (2000) Indecomposablehomotopy types with at most two non-trivial homology groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (121).

Belkale, P. and Brosnan, P. (2000) Incidence schemes and a conjecture of Kontsevich. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (99).

Bertelson, M. (2000) Foliations associated to regular Poisson structures. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (109).

Bertelson, M. (2000) A h-principle for open relations invariant under foliated isotopies. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (111).

Bressler, P. and Donin, J. (2000) Polarized deformation quantization [withdrawn]. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (88).

Bressler, P. and Lunts, V. A. (2000) Intersection cohomology on nonrational polytopes. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (87).

Chen, H. and Ishii, S. (2000) On -K^2 for normal surface singularities II. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (63).

Chen, I. (2000) Surjectivity of mod l representations attached to elliptic and congruence primes. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (91).

Cohen, D. C. and Cohen, F. R. and Xicotencatl, M. (2000) Lie algebras associated to fiber-type arrangements. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (49).

Cortes, V. and Alekseevsky, D. V. and Devchand, C. (2000) Special complex manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (14).

Costa, A. F. and Natanzon, S. M. (2000) Topological classification of $Z^m_p$ actions on surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (128).

Davydov, A. A. (2000) Pentagon equation and matrix bialgebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (27).

Derdzinski, A. and Maschler, G. (2000) Local types of conformally-Einstein Kaehler metrics in higher dimensions. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (92).

Donin, J. (2000) $U_h(\mathfrak{g})$ invariant quantization of coadjoint orbits and vector bundles over them. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (54).

Dranishnikov, A. (2000) Hypereuclidean manifolds and the Novikov Conjecture. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (65).

Drozd, Y. A. and Ovsienko, S. A. (2000) Coverings of tame boxes and algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (26).

Drozd, Yu. A. (2000) On cubic functors. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (95).

Drutu, C. (2000) Cones asymptotiques et invariants de quasi-isometrie pour des espaces metriques hyperboliques. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (105).

Drutu, C. (2000) Filling in solvable groups and in lattices in semisimple groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (98).

Du Sautoy, M. (2000) Counting subgroups in nilpotent groups and points on elliptic curves. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (86).

Du Sautoy, M. (2000) A nilpotent group and its elliptic curve: non-uniformity of local zeta functions of groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (85).

Feehan, P. M. N. and Leness, Th. G. (2000) PU(2) monopoles and links of top-level Seiberg-Witten moduli spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (80).

Feehan, P. M. N. and Leness, Th. G. (2000) PU(2) monopoles. II: Top-level Seiberg-Witten moduli spaces and Witten's conjecture in low degrees. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (81).

Flenner, H. and Zaidenberg, M. (2000) Log-canonical forms and log canonical singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (131).

Gajda, W. (2000) On cyclotomic numbers and reduction map for K-theory of the integers. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (97).

Gangl, H. and Elbaz-Vincent, Ph. (2000) On Poly(ana)logs I. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (62).

Gangl, H. and Zagier, D. (2000) Classical and elliptic polylogarithms and special values of L-series. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (9).

Gizatullin, M. (2000) Bialgebra and geometry of plane quadrics. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (46).

Gizatullin, M. (2000) Examples of m-algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (50).

Golubev, A. (2000) Trace functionals of the Kontsevich quantization. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (2).

Goncharov, A. B. (2000) Explicit regulator maps on polylogarithmic motivic complexes. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (70).

Gonzalez, J. (2000) A direct proof of Davis' non-immersion theorem and a generalization. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (58).

Gorelik, M. (2000) Strongly typical representations of the basic classical Lie superalgebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (102).

Gorodentsev, A. L. and Tyurin, A. N. (2000) Abelian Lagrangian Algebraic Geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (7).

Grinenko, M. (2000) Birational properties of the pencils of Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1 and 2. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (25).

Grinenko, M. (2000) Gorenstein models of Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1 over Dedekind schemes. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (38).

Gubeladze, J. and Bruns, W. (2000) Divisorial linear algebra of normal semigroup rings. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (15).

Gubeladze, J. and Bruns, W. (2000) Polytopal linear algebra. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (19).

Gutnik, L. (2000) Line forms with coefficients in $N\zeta(1+N)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (3).

Heim, B. E. and Böcherer, S. (2000) Critical values for L-functions on $Gsp_2 \times Gl_2$. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (47).

Hu, J. (2000) High genus GW invariants of blowups and a vanishing theorem. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (104).

Hu, J. (2000) Quantum cohomology of blowups of surfaces and its functoriality property. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (118).

Hu, J. and Zhang, H.-y. (2000) High genus GW invariants of blowups along curves and surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (133).

Husemöller, D. and Bogomolov, F. (2000) Geometric properties of curves defined over number fields. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (1).

Ibanez, R. and Rudyak, Y. and Tralle, A. and Ugarte, L. (2000) Relation between homotopy properties of closed symplectic manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (44).

Iwase, N. (2000) $A_\infty$-method in Lusternik-Schnirelmann category. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (66).

Jurco, B. and Schupp, P. and Wess, J. (2000) Noncommutative gauge theory for Poisson manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (52).

Kapovich, M. (2000) Periods of Abelian differentials and dynamics. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (42).

Kashuba, I. and Greuel, G.-M. and Drozd, Yu. (2000) On Cohen-Macaulay modules on surface singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (76).

Kato, T. (2000) Four manifolds with tree like ends. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (32).

Khesin, B. and Rosly, A. (2000) Polar Homology. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (129).

Kucharz, W. (2000) Algebraic cycles and algebraic models of smooth manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (60).

Kucharz, W. (2000) Algebraic equivalence of real divisors. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (61).

Kulikov, V. S. and Kulikov, Vic. S. (2000) Generic coverings of plane with A-D-E-singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (23).

Laudal, O. A. (2000) Noncommutative algebraic geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (115).

Lee, S. (2000) Multiplier ideals and adjoint linear systems on surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (34).

Lee, Y. (2000) Bounds and Q-Gorenstein smoothings of smoothable stable log surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (82).

Levin, A. (2000) Kronecker double series and the dilogarithm. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (35).

Li, Ke-Zheng (2000) Automorphism group schemes of finite field extensions. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (28).

Li, Ke-Zheng (2000) Push-out schemes and some applications. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (29).

Lomonosov, V. (2000) On Burnside's theorem in infinite-dimensional spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (67).

Losev, A. and Manin, Yu. (2000) New moduli spaces of pointed curves and pencils of flat connections. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (36).

Lott, J. (2000) The Dirac operator and conformal compactification. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (41).

Lott, J. (2000) collapsing and Dirac-type operators. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (51).

Lustig, M. (2000) Structure and conjugacy for automorphisms of free groups I. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (130).

Mahnkopf, J. (2000) Cohomology of arithmetic groups and special values of automorphic L-functions on GL_n. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (56).

Manin, Yu. I. (2000) Mirror symmetry and quantization of abelian varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (124).

Manin, Yu. I. (2000) Theta functions, quantum tori and Heisenberg groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (123).

Manin, Yu. I. and Kanevsky, D. (2000) Composition of points and Mordell-Weil problem for cubic surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (125).

Marcolli, M. and Wang, B.-L. (2000) Exact triangles in Seiberg-Witten-Floer theory. Part III: proof of exactness. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (101).

Markushevich, D. (2000) Kowalevski top and genus two curves. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (59).

Mezo, P. (2000) Some global correspondences for general linear groups and their metaplectic coverings. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (55).

Moroz, B. Z. and Aleksandrov, A. G. (2000) Complete intersections in relation to a paper of B. J. Birch. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (31).

Mostovoy, J. and Stanford, Th. (2000) On invariants of Morse knots. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (53).

Nabutovsky, A. and Weinberger, S. (2000) The fractal nature of Riem/Diff I. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (74).

Nakamura, S. G. (2000) On the fourth adjoint contractions of divisorial and fiber types. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (107).

Natanzon, S. M. (2000) Formulas for A_n and B_n-solutions of WDVV equations. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (135).

Nazarov, M. and Tarasov, V. (2000) On irreducibility of tensor products of Yangian modules associated with skew Young diagrams. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (127).

Notbohm, D. (2000) On the 2-compact group DI(4). MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (16).

Notbohm, D. (2000) A uniqueness result for orthogonal groups as 2-compact groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (17).

Ohno, Y. (2000) A proof of the cyclic sum conjecture for multiple zeta values. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (21).

Panin, I. and Yagunov, S. (2000) Rigidity for orientable functors. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (69).

Panyushev, D. I. (2000) Isotropy representations, eigenvalues of a Casimir element, and commutative Lie subalgebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (22).

Panyushev, D. I. (2000) The exterior algebra and 'Spin' of an orthogonal g-module. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (13).

Penkov, I. and Serganova, V. (2000) Generalized Harish-Chandra Modules. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (132).

Ping, X. (2000) Triangular Dynamical r-matrices and quantization. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (45).

Potyagailo, L. and Delzant, Th. (2000) Endomorphisms of Kleinian groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (68).

Proskurin, N. V. (2000) On certain finite group related to cubic theta function. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (114).

Pukhlikov, A. V. (2000) Birationally rigid Fano complete intersections. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (12).

Revich, Yuri (2000) From quantum mechanics to quantum computers. Izvestiya. p. 11.

Rudyak, Yu. B. and Schlenk, F. (2000) Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory on general spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (71).

Saveliev, N. (2000) Fukumoto-Furuta invariants of plumbed homology 3-spheres. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (64).

Schechtman, V. and Malikov, F. (2000) Deformations of chiral algebras and quantum cohomology of toric varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (90).

Schupp, P. and Jurco, B. (2000) Noncommutative Yang-Mills from equivalence of star products. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (18).

Sevostyanov, A. (2000) Semi-infinite cohomology and Hecke algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (43).

Siebert, Marion (2000) Der Herr der Zahlen. Westfaelischer Anzeiger.

Spiro, A. F. and Alekseevsky, D. V. (2000) Compact homogeneous CR manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (94).

Stanley, D. (2000) Exponents and suspensions. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (48).

Stein, Y. (2000) Weakly nilpotent and weakly semisimple polynomials on the plane. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (4).

Stoimenov, A. (2000) The signature and genus of braid positive links. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (40).

Stoyanov, L. (2000) Spectrum of the Ruelle operator and exponential decay of correlations for open billiard flows. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (93).

Tabachnikov, S. and Farber, M. (2000) Topology of cyclic configuration spaces and periodic trajectories of multi-dimensional billiards. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (103).

Tarasov, V. and Varchenko, A. (2000) Small elliptic quantum group $e_{\tau,\gamma}(\mathfrak{sl}_N)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (113).

Toen, B. (2000) Dualite de Tannaka superieure I: Structures monoidales. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (57).

Toen, B. (2000) Schematisation des types d'homotopie. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (116).

Troitsky, E. V. (2000) Discrete groups actions and some properties of corresponding modules. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (112).

Troitsky, E. V. (2000) Partially positive square root and Kuiper type theorem for operators on C*-Hilbert modules. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (110).

Tsikh, A. and Sadykov, T. and Passare, M. (2000) Nonconfluent hypergeometric functions in several variables and their singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (126).

Tyurin, N. (2000) Hamiltonian dynamics on the moduli space of half weighted Bohr-Sommerfeld Lagrangian subcycles of a fixed volume. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (106).

Tyurin, Nik. (2000) Space of hermitian triples as an analogy of hermitian connection space. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (134).

Ugarte, L. and Tralle, A. and Rudyak, Yu. and Ibanez, R. (2000) On symplectically harmonic forms on six-dimensional nilmanifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (20).

Vaninsky, K. L. (2000) An additional Gibbs' state for the cubic Schrödinger equation on the circle. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (96).

Vdovina, A. and Tchernov, V. and Stoimenow, A. (2000) The canonical genus of a classical and virtual knot. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (108).

Verbitsky, M. (2000) Singularities in hyperkähler geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (33).

Vishik, A. (2000) On the dimension of anisotropic forms in $I^n$. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (11).

Vishik, A. (2000) On torsion elements in the Chow-groups of quadrics. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (10).

Voskresenskii, V. E. (2000) Linear representation of quasisplit tori and problem of rationality. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (100).

Wang, B.-L. and Marcolli, M. (2000) Equivariant Seiberg-Witten-Floer homology. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (83).

Wang, B.-L. and Marcolli, M. (2000) Exact triangles in Seiberg-Witten theory. Part IV: Z-graded monopole homology. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (84).

Wang, S. and Duan, H. (2000) Maps between 2n-manifolds of non-zero degrees. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (72).

Wang, S. and Zhou, Q. and Hass, J. (2000) On the finiteness of the number of boundary slopes of immersed surfaces in 3-manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (73).

Xicoténcatl, M. A. (2000) On Orbit Configuration Spaces and the Rational Cohomology of $F(\mathbb{R}P^n,k)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (5).

Yoshida, H. (2000) Motives and Siegel modular forms. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (47 a).

Yu, C.-F. (2000) Lifting abelian varieties with additional structure. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (89).

Yu, C.-F. (2000) On the supersingular locus in Hilbert-Blumenthal 4-folds. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (136).

Zagier, D. (2000) Traces of singular moduli. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (8).

Zaidenberg, M. and Kaliman, S. (2000) Families of affine planes: The existence of a cylinder. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (75).

Zharkov, I. (2000) Theta-functions for indefinite polarizations. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (117).

de Cataldo, M. A. and Migliorini, L. (2000) The Chow groups and the motive of the Hilbert scheme of points on a surface. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (78).

de Cataldo, M. A. and Migliorini, L. (2000) The Hard Lefschetz Theorem and the topology of semismall maps. MPIM Preprint Series 2000 (77).

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