Items where Division is "Preprints" and Year is 2010

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 123.

Akhtari, Shabnam (2010) Representation of unity by binary forms. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (108).

Albeverio, S. and Jorgensen, P. E. T. and Paolucci, A. M. (2010) On fractional Brownian motion and wavelets. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (9).

Amerik, E. and Bogomolov, F. and Rovinsky, M. (2010) Remarks on endomorphisms and rational points. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (2).

Andrianov, Anatoli (2010) L-functions of Siegel modular forms and twist operators. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (39).

Andrianov, Anatoli (2010) Zeta-functions of harmonic theta-series and prime numbers. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (49).

Arias-de-Reyna, Sara and Gajda, Wojciech and Petersen, Sebastian (2010) Abelian varieties over finitely generated fields and the conjecture of Geyer and Jarden on torsion. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (89).

Arzhantsev, I. and Flenner, H. and Kaliman, S. and Kutzschebauch, F. and Zaidenberg, M. (2010) Flexible varieties and automorphism groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (106).

Babich, Mikhail V. (2010) Rational version of Archimedes symplectomorphysm and birational Darboux coordinates on coadjoint orbit of $GL(N,\mathbb{C})$. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (59).

Bachman, Gennady and Moree, Pieter (2010) On a class of ternary inclusion-exclusion polynomials. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (52).

Ballmann, Werner and Brüning, Jochen and Carron, Gilles (2010) Index theorems on manifolds with straight ends. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (103).

Basabe, Ibai and González, Jesús and Rudyak, Yuli B. and Tamaki, Dai (2010) Higher topological complexity and homotopy dimension of configuration spaces on spheres. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (84).

Bastian, Janine and Holm, Thorsten and Ladkani, Sefi (2010) Derived equivalence classification of cluster-tilted algebras of Dynkin type $E$. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (17).

Bate, Michael and Martin, Benjamin and Röhrle, Gerhard (2010) Complete reducibility and separable field extensions. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (13).

Bate, Michael and Martin, Benjamin and Röhrle, Gerhard (2010) The Strong Centre Conjecture: an invariant theory approach. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (40).

Baues, Hans-Joachim and Bleile, Beatrice (2010) Presentation of homotopy types under a space. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (45).

Benameur, Moulay-Tahar and Gorokhovsky, Alexander (2010) Local index theorem for projective families. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (51).

Bierstone, Edward and Grigoriev, Dima and Milman, Pierre D. and Włodarczyk, Jarosław (2010) Effective Hironaka resolution and its complexity. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (12).

Bogopolski, O. (2010) Abstract commensurators of solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (112).

Bogopolski, O. and Grunewald, F. (2010) On subgroup conjugacy separabiltiy in the class of virtually free groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (110).

Bogopolski, O. and Singhof, W. (2010) Generalized presentations of infinite groups, in particular of Aut$(F_\omega)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (113).

Bondarko, Mikhail V. (2010) Weights for relative motives; relation with mixed sheaves. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (75).

Brink, David and Moree, Pieter and Osburn, Robert (2010) On computations of Shanks and Schmid. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (22).

Bufetov, Alexander I. (2010) Limit theorems for translation flows. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (25).

Buium, Alexandru and Saha, Arnab (2010) Differential overconvergence. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (54).

Böcherer, Siegfried and Heim, Bernhard (2010) Equivariant holomorphic differential operators and finite averages of values of $L$-functions. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (73).

Cappell, Sylvain E. and Maxim, Laurentiu and Schürmann, Jörg and Shaneson, Julius L. and Yokura, Shoji (2010) Characteristic classes of symmetric products of complex quasi-projective varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (79).

Cheltsov, Ivan and Kosta, Dimitra (2010) Computing $\alpha$-invariants of singular del Pezzo surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (96).

Cheltsov, Ivan and Shramov, Constantin (2010) Three embeddings of the Klein simple group into the Cremona group of rank three. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (87).

Chen, Zhuo and Stiénon, Mathieu and Xu, Ping (2010) On regular Courant algebroids. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (19).

Cirio, Lucio and Landi, Giovanni and Szabo, Richard J. (2010) Algebraic deformations of toric varieties I. General constructions. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (6).

Conant, James and Schneiderman, Rob and Teichner, Peter (2010) Higher-order intersections in low-dimensional topology. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (116).

Conant, James and Schneiderman, Rob and Teichner, Peter (2010) Tree homology and a conjecture of Levine. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (115).

Decker, Andreas and Moree, Pieter (2010) Coefficient convexity of divisors of $x^n-1$. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (92).

Demonet, Laurent (2010) Mutations of group species with potentials and their representations. Applications to cluster algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (57).

Dranishnikov, Alexander and Sapir, Mark (2010) On the dimension growth of groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (71).

Ellers, E. W. and Gordeev, N. L. (2010) Big and small elements in Chevalley groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (99).

Fan, Huijun and Jarvis, Tyler and Merrell, Evan and Ruan, Yongbin (2010) Witten's $D_4$ integrable hierarchies conjecture. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (61).

Felikson, Anna and Natanzon, Sergey (2010) Double pants decompositions of 2-surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (20).

Felikson, Anna and Tumarkin, Pavel (2010) Hyperbolic subalgebras of hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (21).

Fialowski, Alice and Penkava, Michael (2010) Extensions of associative algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (66).

Fintzen, Jessica (2010) Cyclotomic polynomial coefficients $a(n,k)$ with $n$ and $k$ in prescribed residue classes. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (85).

Fiore, Thomas M. and Gambino, Nicola and Kock, Joachim (2010) Monads in double categories. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (41).

Fiore, Thomas M. and Lück, Wolfgang and Sauer, Roman (2010) Euler characteristics of categories and homotopy colimits. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (56).

Fischer, Véronique and Ricci, Fulvio and Yakimova, Oksana (2010) Nilpotent Gelfand pairs and spherical transforms of Schwartz functions. II. Taylor expansions on singular sets. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (70).

Fritz, Tobias (2010) The quantum region for von Neumann measurements with postselection. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (27).

Gallot, Yves and Moree, Pieter and Wilms, Robert (2010) The family of ternary cyclotomic polynomials with one free prime. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (11).

Garion, Shelly (2010) On Beauville structures for $PSL(2,q)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (30).

Garion, Shelly and Larsen, Michael and Lubotzky, Alexander (2010) Beauville surfaces and finite simple groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (38).

Garion, Shelly and Penegini, Matteo (2010) New Beauville surfaces, moduli spaces and finite groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (14).

Gerasimov, Anton and Lebedev, Dimitri and Oblezin, Sergey (2010) Parabolic Whittaker functions and topological field theories I. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (47).

Gerasimov, Victor and Potyagailo, Leonid (2010) Horospherical geometry of relatively hyperbolic groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (82).

Gigli, Nicola and Kuwada, Kazumasa and Ohta, Shin-ichi (2010) Heat flow on Alexandrov spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (63).

Gopala Krishna, K. (2010) BKM Lie superalgebra for the $\mathbb{Z}_5$-orbifolded CHL string. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (102).

Gorokhovsky, Alexander and Lott, John (2010) The index of a transverse Dirac-type operator: the case of abelian Molino sheaf. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (50).

Grigoriev, Dima (2010) Complexity of solving tropical linear systems. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (60).

Grigoriev, Dima and Milman, Pierre D. (2010) Nash resolution for binomial varieties as Euclidean division. Apriori termination bound, polynomial complexity in dim 2. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (3).

Gritsenko, V. (2010) Reflective modular forms in algebraic geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (42).

Gritsenko, V. and Hulek, K. and Sankaran, G. K. (2010) Moduli spaces of polarised symplectic O'Grady varieties and Borcherds products. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (43).

Grunewald, Fritz and Kunyavskii, Boris and Plotkin, Eugene (2010) New trends in characterization of solvable groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (35).

Gurevich, Alexander and Kunyavskiĭ, Boris (2010) Deterministic primality tests based on tori and elliptic curves. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (91).

Hajduk, Bogusław and Pawałowski, Krzysztof and Tralle, Aleksy (2010) Non-symplectic smooth circle actions on symplectic manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (4).

Heim, Bernhard (2010) Distribution theorems for Saito-Kurokawa lifts. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (77).

Heim, Bernhard and Murase, Atsushi (2010) Borcherds lifts on $Sp_2(\mathbb{Z})$. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (74).

Hirsh, Joseph and Millès, Joan (2010) Curved Koszul duality theory. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (104).

Iacono, Donatella (2010) Deformations of algebraic subvarieties. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (28).

Igonin, Sergey (2010) Algebras and algebraic curves associated with PDEs and Bäcklund transformations. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (120).

Iorgov, Nikolai and Lisovyy, Oleg (2010) Ising correlations and elliptic determinants. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (124).

Jurčo, Branislav (2010) Nonabelian bundle 2-gerbes. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (69).

Khimshiashvili, G. (2010) Cyclic polygons as critical points. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (118).

Krieger, Fabrice (2010) The Ornstein-Weiss lemma for discrete amenable groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (48).

Kulikov, Vik. S. (2010) Factorization semigroups and irreducible components of Hurwitz space. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (24).

Ladkani, Sefi (2010) Categorification of a linear algebra identity and factorization of Serre functors. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (31).

Ladkani, Sefi (2010) On derived equivalences of lines, rectangles and triangles. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (18).

Le Barbier Grünewald, Michaël (2010) Universal family of the subgroups of an algebraic group. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (72).

Lekili, Yanki (2010) Planar open books with four binding components. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (8).

Lopatin, Artem A. (2010) Free relations for matrix invariants in modular case. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (107).

Lustig, Martin (2010) Folding lines in outer space determine the dual lamination of their limit $\mathbb{R}$-tree. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (98).

Makar-Limanov, Leonid and Umirbaev, Ualbai (2010) The Freiheitssatz for Poisson algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (65).

Marks, Christopher (2010) Irreducible vector-valued modular forms of dimension less than six. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (36).

Marshakov, A. (2010) On gauge theories as matrix models. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (123).

Marshakov, A. and Mironov, A. and Morozov, A. (2010) On AGT relations with surface operator insertion and stationary limit of beta-ensembles. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (105).

Maxim, Laurentiu and Schürmann, Jörg (2010) Twisted genera of symmetric products. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (78).

Millès, Joan (2010) The Koszul complex is the cotangent complex. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (32).

Moree, Pieter (2010) A top hat for Moser's four mathematical rabbits. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (10).

Movshev, M. V. (2010) On quasimaps to quadrics. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (62).

Nikulin, Viacheslav V. (2010) The transition constant for arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (29).

Ohta, Shin-ichi and Takatsu, Asuka (2010) Displacement convexity of generalized entropies. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (37).

Panyushev, Dmitri I. (2010) On divisible weighted Dynkin diagrams and reachable elements. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (15).

Petrov, Viktor and Semenov, Nikita (2010) Generically split projective homogeneous varieties revisited. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (68).

Pohl, Anke D. (2010) The category of reduced orbifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (5).

Poor, Cris and Yuen, David S. (2010) A lift into Siegel modular forms over the theta group in degree two and the chiral superstring measure. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (64).

Pukhlikov, A. V. (2010) Birational geometry of Fano double spaces of index two. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (23).

Pukhlikov, A. V. (2010) Birationally rigid Fano fiber spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (83).

Pukhlikov, A. V. (2010) $K$-trivial structures on Fano complete intersections. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (55).

Ray, Urmie (2010) (Super)-character and (super)-denominator formulae for finite dimensional and affine Lie superalgebras with non-degenerate, supersymmetric, invariant bilinear forms. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (90).

Sakovich, Sergei (2010) Singularity analysis and integrability of a Burgers-type system by Foursov. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (94).

Sakovich, Sergei (2010) Smooth soliton solutions of a new integrable equation by Qiao. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (88).

Schaffhauser, Florent (2010) Moduli varieties of real and quaternionic vector bundles over a curve. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (34).

Schneider, Ansgar (2010) The global topology of Pontrjagin duality. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (58).

Shpilrain, Vladimir (2010) Search and witness problems in group theory. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (111).

Shubladze, Mamuka (2010) Singularities with critical locus an complete intersection and transversal type $A_1$. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (16).

Soifer, G. A. (2010) Affine semigroups acting properly discontinuously on a hyperbolic space. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (117).

Spiridonov, V. P. (2010) Elliptic hypergeometric terms. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (33).

Spiridonov, V. P. and Vartanov, G. S. (2010) Elliptic hypergeometry of supersymmetric dualities. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (121).

Spiridonov, V. P. and Vartanov, G. S. (2010) Superconformal indices of $N = 4$ SYM field theories. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (122).

Stolz, Stephan and Teichner, Peter (2010) Traces in monoidal categories. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (86).

Swoboda, Jan (2010) Morse homology for the Yang-Mills gradient flow. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (119).

Taimanov, I. A. (2010) Periodic magnetic geodesics on almost every energy level via variational methods. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (7).

Taimanov, I. A. (2010) The type numbers of closed geodesics. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (1).

Tholen, Walter (2010) Kleisli enriched. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (114).

Timorin, Vladlen (2010) Partial holomorphic semiconjugacies between rational functions. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (95).

Tuite, Michael P. and Zuevsky, Alexander (2010) Genus two partition and correlation functions for fermionic vertex operator superalgebras I. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (101).

Tuite, Michael P. and Zuevsky, Alexander (2010) The Szegö kernel on a sewn Riemann surface. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (100).

Umirbaev, Ualbai (2010) Universal enveloping algebras and universal derivations of Poisson algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (76).

Vostokov, S. V. and Ivanov, M. A. (2010) Product of $p^n$-power residues as an abelian integral. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (46).

Wand, Andy (2010) Mapping class group relations, Stein fillings, and planar open book decompositions. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (109).

Wojkowiak, Zdzisław (2010) On l-adic iterated integrals V, linear independence, properties of l-adic polylogarithms, l-adic sheaves. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (81).

Wojkowiak, Zdzisław (2010) Periods of mixed Tate motives, examples, l-adic side. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (80).

Yang, Dong (2010) Endomorphism algebras of maximal rigid objects in cluster tubes. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (44).

Zieschang, Paul-Hermann (2010) Hypergroups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (97).

Zábrádi, Gergely (2010) Exactness of the reduction on étale modules. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (53).

de Cornulier, Yves and Guyot, Luc (2010) On infinitely presented soluble groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (93).

de Graaf, Willem A. and Yakimova, Oksana S. (2010) Good index behaviour of $\theta$-representations, I. MPIM Preprint Series 2010 (26).

This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 15:49:58 2025 CET.