Items where Division is "Preprints" and Year is 1984

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Number of items: 69.

MPIM Preprint

Abresch, U. (1984) Lower Curvature Bound, Toponogov's Theorem, and Bounded Topology I. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (41).

Abresch, U. (1984) Lower Curvature Bounds, Toponogov's theorem, and Bounded Topology II. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (45).

Akahori, T. (1984) The new approach to the local embedding theorem of CR-structures, the local embedding theorem for n >= 4. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (34).

Andrzejczak, G. (1984) On Foliations of Semi-simplicial manifolds and their Holonomy. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (55).

Baues, H.-J. and Wirsching, G. (1984) Cohomology of small categories. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (44).

Behnke, K. (1984) On the module of Zariski differentials and infinitesimal deformations of cusp singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (37).

Buhler, J. and Gross, B. H. and Zagier, D. (1984) On the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for an elliptic curve of rank 3. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (27).

Connelly, R. (1984) The rigidity of sphere packings. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (30).

Esnault, H. (1984) Reflexive modules on quotient surface singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (32 b).

Esnault, H. and Viehweg, E. (1984) Two dimensional quotient singularities deform to quotient singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (32 a).

Faltings, G. and Wüstholz, G. (1984) Einbettungen kommutativer algebraischer Gruppen und einge ihrer Eigenschaften. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (3).

Greuel, G.-M. and Knörrer, H. (1984) Einfache Kurvensingularitaten und torsionsfreie Moduln. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (11).

Gross, B. and Zagier, D. (1984) On Singular Moduli. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (47).

Harder, G. (1984) Eisenstein cohomology of arithmetic groups, The case $GL_2$. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (22).

Harder, G. and Schappacher, N. (1984) Special values of Hecke L-Functions and Abelio integrals. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (42).

Hashimoto, K.-I. and Ibukiyama, T. (1984) On relations of dimensions of automorphic forms of Sp(2,R) and its compact twist Sp(2) (II). MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (10).

Herrmann, M. (1984) Variations of equimultiplicity and graded Cohen Macaulay Rings. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (8).

Hirsch, U. (1984) A topological version of Novikov's closed half leaf theorem. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (28).

Hirzebruch, F. (1984) Algebraic Surfaces with extreme Chern numbers. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (43).

Ibukiyama, T. (1984) On construction of half integral weight Siegel modular forms of Sp(2,R) from automorphic forms of the compact twist Sp(2). MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (18).

Ibukiyama, T. (1984) On relations of dimensions of automorphic forms of Sp(2,R) and its compact twist Sp(2) (I). MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (9).

Kanevsky, D. (1984) Some remarks on Brauer equivalence for cubic surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (16).

Katsura, T. and Ueno, K. (1984) On Elliptic Surfaces in Characteristic p. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (4).

Knörrer, H. (1984) The Cohen-Macaulay Modules over simple Hypersurface singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (51 a).

Knörrer, H. (1984) Integrable Hamiltonsche Systeme und Algebraische Geometrie. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (65).

Kohnen, W. (1984) Fourier coefficients of modular form of halfintegral weight. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (23).

Kohnen, W. and Zagier, D. (1984) Modular Forms with Rational Periods. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (2).

Kulkarni, R. (1984) A New Proof and an extension of a theorem of Millington on the modular group. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (49).

Kulkarni, R. (1984) On Ahlfors' Finiteness Theorem. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (67).

Kulkarni, R. S. (1984) Geometry of free products, cycloidal groups and polynominal maps. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (53).

Kühnel, W. and Pinkall, U. (1984) Tight smoothing of some polyhedral surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (63).

Langer, J. (1984) A compactness theorem for surfaces with $L_p$-bounded second fundamental form. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (19).

Langer, J. and Abresch, U. (1984) The normalized curve shortening flow and homothetic solutions. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (64).

Laska, M. and Lorenz, M. (1984) Rational points on elliptic curves over Q in elementary abelian 2-extensions of Q. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (21).

Levine, M. (1984) A k-theoretic approach to multiplicities. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (31).

Lorenz, M. (1984) $K_0$ of skew group rings and simple Noetharian rings without idempotents. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (36).

Lorenz, M. (1984) On Loewy lengths of projective modules for p-solvable groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (26).

Lorenz, M. (1984) On free subalgebras of certain division algebra. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (60).

Lorenz, M. (1984) On the cohomology of polycyclic-by-finite groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (20).

McCarthy, J. (1984) A "Tits-Alternative" for Supgroups of Surface Mappings Class Groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (50).

Meyer, W. and Neutsch, W. and Parker, R. A. (1984) The minimal 5-representation of Lyons' sporadic group. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (39).

Moroz, B. Z. (1984) On the coefficients of Artin-Weil L-Functions. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (12).

Namikawa, Y. (1984) Periods of Enriques Surfaces i. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (5).

Nomizu, K. (1984) On completeness in affine differential geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (33).

Orbanz, U. (1984) On Equimultiplicity of the conormal cone. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (62).

Patrizio, G. (1984) Holomorphic maps between circular domains. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (6).

Patrizio, G. (1984) A characterization of complex manifolds biholomorphic to a circular domain. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (29).

Pinkall, U. (1984) Dupin Hypersurfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (48).

Pinkall, U. (1984) Hopf Tori in $S^3$. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (52).

Pinkall, U. (1984) Regular Homotopy Classes of Immersed Surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (51).

Reinhart, B. L. (1984) The cut locus on noncompact manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (24).

Scharlau, R. (1984) Metrical Shellings of Simplical Complexes. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (14).

Scharlau, R. (1984) A characterization of Tits Buildings by Metric Properties. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (15).

Schwermer, Joachim (1984) Holomorphy of Eisenstein Series at special points and cohomology of arithmetic subgroups of $SL_n(\mathbb{Q})$. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (17).

Sczech, R. (1984) Dedekindsummen mit elliptischen Funktionen. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (1).

Slodowy, P. (1984) Singularitäten, Kac-Moody-Liealgebren, assoziierte Gruppen und Verallgemeinerungen. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (54).

Sommese, A. (1984) Ample Divisors on normal Gorenstein surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (59).

Spanier, E. (1984) Cohomology Theories. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (35).

Tadic, M. (1984) Spherical unitary dual of general linear group over non-archimedean local field. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (66).

Urakawa, H. (1984) Minimal Immersions of Projective Spaces into Spheres. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (58).

Urakawa, H. (1984) Spectra of some Domains in Compact Lie Groups and their Applications. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (56).

Urakawa, H. (1984) Stability of Harmonic Maps and Eigenvalues of Laplacian. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (57).

Wüstholz, G. (1984) Algebraische Punkte auf analytischen Untergruppen Algebraischer Gruppen. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (7).

Wüstholz, G. (1984) Multiplicity Estimates on Group Varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (13).

Yomdin, Y. (1984) Maxima of smooth families III:Morse-Sard theorem. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (38).

Yomdin, Y. (1984) On representability of convex functions as maxima of linear families. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (40).

Yomdin, Y. (1984) Quantitative version of Kupka-Smale theorem. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (25).

Yoshida, M. (1984) Graphs Attached to Certain Complex Hyperbolic Discrete Reflection Groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (61).

Zagier, D. (1984) Hyberbolic Manifolds and special values of Dedekind Zeta-Functions. MPIM Preprint Series 1984 (46).

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