Items where Subject is "01-XX History and biography"
- AMS Classification Numbers (3)
- 0 General / foundations (2)
- 01-XX History and biography (36)
- 0 General / foundations (2)
UNSPECIFIED (2023) Addio a Yuri Manin, è stato uno dei geni dell' algebra moderna. Corriere della Sera. ISSN 1120-4982
UNSPECIFIED (1980) Bericht aus Bonn. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 2. pp. 93-98.
Beilinson, Alexander and Berkovich, Vladimir and Colliot-Thelene, J.-L. and Drinfeld, Vladimir and Goncharov, Alexander and Harris, Michael and Katz, Nicholas M. and Kaufmann, Ralph M. and Marcolli, Matilde and Penkov, Ivan and Schechtman, Vadim and Skorobogatov, Alexei N. and Shokurov, Vyacheslav V. and Tsfasman, Michael and Voronov, Alexander A. and Zagier, Don and Zarhin, Yuri G. and Bogomolov, Fedor and Tschinkel, Yuri (2023) Memorial Article for Yuri Manin. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 2023 (12).
Bourguignon, J.-P. and Demazure, M. and Griffiths, P. and Kantor, Jean-Michel and Vaintrob, A. and Eisenbud, David and Kontsevich, Maxim and Papadopoulos, Athanase and Consani, C. and Marcolli, Matilde and Connes, A. and Vallette, Bruno (2023) Yuri Ivanovich Manin, 1937-2023. La Gazette de la Société Mathématique de France, 177. pp. 39-46. ISSN 2826-3235
Dambeck, Holger (2013) Mathematiker Faltings: "Ich bin ein einigermaßen fauler Mensch". Spiegel Online.
Demina, Natalya and Drinfeld, Vladimir and Rodin, Andrej and Shabat, George and Kutateladze, Semen S. and Beilinson, Alexander (2023) Юрий Манин: "Если уж выжили людоедство, астрология и генералы, то и наука не исчезнет". Novaya Gazeta.
Gattei, Stefano (2014) Il computer che batte il computer. Corriere della Sera, 2014 (Feb 23). pp. 6-7. ISSN 1120-4982
Jackson, Allyn (2024) Wie hat Don das nur gemacht? Süddeutsche Zeitung (117). p. 12.
Schappacher, N. (1985) Max-Planck-Institut fiir Mathematik: Historical Notes on the New Research Institute at Bonn. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 7. pp. 41-52.
Zagier, Don and Aravinda, C. S. and Rao, Sudhir (2023) Speaking the language of mathematics. Bhāvanā, 7 (2).
Conference or Workshop Item
UNSPECIFIED Programme der Arbeitstagungen. In: Arbeitstagung, Bonn. (Unpublished)
Kapranov, Mikhail and Zagier, Don and Marcolli, Matilde (2023) Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics: A Homage. In: Seminar on Algebra, Geometry and Physics: A Homage, 2023-02-21, MPIM Bonn. (Unpublished)
Levine, M. and Bergeron, Nicolas and Wildeshaus, Jörg (2023) Conference on "Motives and Automorphic Forms" in Honour of Günter Harder's 85th Birthday. In: Conference on "Motives and Automorphic Forms" in Honour of Günter Harder's 85th Birthday, 6 - 10 Mar 2023, MPIM Bonn.
Zagier, Don (2023) Speculations in the history of mathematics. In: Arithmetic, algebra, and their relation to geometry: A global/inclusive approach, August 21 - 25, 2023, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul. (Unpublished)
MPIM Preprint
Berndt, Bruce C. and Moree, Pieter (2024) Sums of two squares and the tau-function: Ramanujan's trail. MPIM Preprint Series 2024 (22).
UNSPECIFIED (1995) First web page of MPIM. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Mathematicians working at the MPIM Bonn. [Image] (Unpublished)
Roenn, Axel (2014) Faltings 60th birthday. [Image] (Unpublished)
Roenn, Axel (2011) AT 2011 - Francis Brown. [Image]
Zagier, Don (2020) The Most Beautiful Formulas in Mathematics. [Video]
Zagier, Don (2014) Ramanujans Erbe: Von Zahlentheorie und schwarzen Löchern. [Video]