Items where Division is "Preprints" and Year is 2011

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Number of items: 91.

Akhtari, Shabnam (2011) Upper bounds for the number of solutions to quartic Thue equations. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (47).

Akhtari, Shabnam and Saradha, N. (2011) Irreducibility of some orthogonal polynomials. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (48).

Armana, Cécile (2011) Sur les symboles modulaires de Manin-Teitelbaum pour $\mathbb{F}_q(T)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (3).

Arzhantsev, Ivan and Zaidenberg, Mikhail (2011) Acyclic curves and group actions on affine toric surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (61).

Auel, Asher (2011) Clifford invariants of line bundle-valued quadratic forms. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (33).

Bai, Chengming and Bellier, Olivia and Guo, Li and Ni, Xiang (2011) Splitting of operations, Manin products and Rota-Baxter operators. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (35).

Banaszak, Grzegorz (2011) Wild kernels and divisibility in K-groups of global fields. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (22).

Bandman, Tatiana and Gordeev, Nikolai and Kunyavskii, Boris and Plotkin, Eugene (2011) Equations in simple Lie algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (15).

Bandman, Tatiana and Kunyavskii, Boris (2011) Criteria for equidistribution of solutions of matrix equations. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (66).

Baues, Hans-Joachim and Blanc, David (2011) Higher order derived functors and the Adams spectral sequence. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (52).

Brown, Francis and Levin, Andrey (2011) Multiple elliptic polylogarithms. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (63).

Bär, Christian and Ballmann, Werner (2011) Boundary value problems for elliptic differential operators of first order. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (2).

Carvalho, Catarina and Nistor, Victor (2011) An index formula for perturbed Dirac operators on Lie manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (89).

Cassou-Noguès, Pi. and Eyral, C. and Oka, M. (2011) Topology of septics with the set of singularities B$_{4,4} \oplus$ 2A$_3 \oplus$ 5A$_1$ and $\pi_1$-equivalent weak Zariski pairs. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (31).

Cattaneo, A. S. and Rossi, C. A. and Torossian, C. (2011) Biquantization of symmetric pairs and the quantum shift. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (77).

Chan, Heng Huat and Wan, James and Zudilin, Wadim (2011) Legendre polynomials and Ramanujan-type series for $1/\pi$. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (36).

Conant, James and Schneiderman, Rob and Teichner, Peter (2011) Geometric filtrations of classical link concordance. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (7).

Conant, James and Schneiderman, Rob and Teichner, Peter (2011) Milnor invariants and twisted Whitney towers. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (8).

Conant, James and Schneiderman, Rob and Teichner, Peter (2011) Universal quadratic forms and untwisting Whitney towers. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (9).

Cox, Ben L. and Futorny, Vyacheslav and Martins, Renato A. (2011) Virasoro action on Imaginary Verma modules and the operator form of the KZ-equation. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (87).

Drummond-Cole, Gabriel C. and Vallette, Bruno (2011) The minimal model for the Batalin-Vilkovisky operad. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (41).

Fel'shtyn, Alexander (2011) The growth rate of Floer homology and symplectic zeta function. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (10).

Fialowski, A. and Magnin, L. and Mandal, A. (2011) About Leibniz cohomology and deformations of Lie algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (56).

Fiore, Thomas M. and Gambino, Nicola and Kock, Joachim (2011) Double adjunctions and free monads. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (39).

Ford, Kevin and Luca, Florian and Moree, Pieter (2011) Values of the Euler $\phi$-function not divisible by a given odd prime, and the distribution of Euler-Kronecker constants for cyclotomic fields. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (67).

Frenkel, Igor and Stroppel, Catharina and Sussan, Joshua (2011) Categorifying fractional Euler characteristics, Jones-Wenzl projector and $3j$-symbols. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (30).

Futorny, Vyacheslav and Hartwig, Jonas T. (2011) Solution of a q-difference Noether problem and the quantum Gelfand-Kirillov conjecture for $gl N$. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (71).

Gadgil, Siddhartha and Pandit, Suhas (2011) Geosphere laminations in free groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (26).

Gaiko, Valery A. (2011) Towards theory of neural dynamical systems. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (23).

Gao, Peng and Zhao, Liangyi (2011) A large sieve inequality for quartic characters. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (16).

Garay, Mauricio (2011) Espaces vectoriels échelonnés. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (14).

Grigorchuk, R. I. and Krylyuk, Ya. S. (2011) The spectral measure of the Markov operator related to 3-generated 2-group of intermediate growth and its Jacobi parameters. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (64).

Grigoriev, Dima (2011) On a tropical dual Nullstellensatz. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (44).

Grigoriev, Dima and Shpilrain, Vladimir (2011) Cryptography without one-way functions. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (4).

Grigoriev, Dima and Shpilrain, Vladimir (2011) Tropical cryptography. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (11).

Gunnells, Paul and Rose, Andrew and Rumynin, Dmitriy (2011) Generalised Burnside rings, $G$-categories and module categories. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (62).

Hartl, Manfred and Van der Linden, Tim (2011) The ternary commutator obstruction for internal crossed modules. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (42).

Heim, Bernhard and Murase, Atsushi (2011) A Note on Estimates of Fourier Coefficients of Weakly Holomorphic Modular Forms. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (86).

Hunsicker, Eugenie and Li, Hengguang and Nistor, Victor and Uski, Ville (2011) Analysis of Schrödinger operators with inverse square potentials I (regularity results in 3D). MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (90).

Iyudu, Natalia (2011) K-theory of locally finite graph $C^*$-algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (54).

Iyudu, Natalia and Shkarin, Stanislav (2011) Finite dimensional semigroup quadratic algebras with the minimal number of relations. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (53).

Jorgensen, P. E. T. and Paolucci, A. M. (2011) Markov measures and extended zeta functions. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (5).

Jorgensen, P. E. T. and Paolucci, A. M. (2011) States on the Cuntz algebras and P-adic random walk. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (6).

Kamgarpour, Masoud and Schedler, Travis (2011) Geometrization of principal series representations of reductive groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (45).

Kapovich, Ilya and Lustig, Martin (2011) Seven steps to happiness. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (21).

Khudaverdian, H. M. and Voronov, Th. Th. (2011) Second order operators on the algebra of densities and a groupoid of connections. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (73).

Kobayashi, Toshiyuki and Oshima, Toshio (2011) Finite multiplicity theorems. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (58).

Koldobsky, A. and Paouris, G. and Zymonopoulou, M. (2011) Isomorphic properties of intersection bodies. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (28).

Koldobsky, Alexander (2011) Stability in volume comparison problems. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (18).

Kolyada, Sergii and Snoha, L'ubomír and Trofimchuk, Sergei (2011) A dichotomy for minimal sets of fibre-preserving maps in graph bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (12).

Levin, Andrey and Varchenko, Alexander (2011) Cohomology of the complement to an elliptic arrangement. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (38).

MPI f. Mathematik (2011) Mathematische Arbeitstagung 2011. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (34).

Makar-Limanov, Leonid and Shestakov, Ivan (2011) Polynomial and Poisson dependence in free Poisson algebras and free Poisson fields. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (50).

Makar-Limanov, Leonid and Umirbaev, Ualbai (2011) Free Poisson fields and their automorphisms. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (57).

Matveev, Sergey V. (2011) On prime decompositions of knotted graphs and orbifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (20).

Matveev, Sergey V. (2011) Prime decompositions of knots in $T^2 \times I$. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (19).

Mihailescu, Eugen (2011) Entropy production and folding of the phase space in chaotic dynamics. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (32).

Moree, Pieter (2011) Counting numbers in multiplicative sets: Landau versus Ramanujan. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (65).

Moree, Pieter (2011) Near-primitive roots. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (60).

Moree, Pieter and Rosu, Eugenia (2011) Non-Beiter ternary cyclotomic polynomials with an optimally large set of coefficients. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (81).

Mudrov, Andrey (2011) Non-Levi closed conjugacy classes of $SO_q(N)$ (revised version). MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (80 a).

Mudrov, Andrey (2011) Non-Levi closed conjugacy classes of $SOq(N)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (80).

Mudrov, Andrey (2011) Non-Levi closed conjugacy classes of $SPq(2n)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (82).

Mézard, Ariane and Romagny, Matthieu and Tossici, Dajano (2011) Models of the group schemes of roots of unity. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (25).

Mézard, Ariane and Romagny, Matthieu and Tossici, Dajano (2011) Sekiguchi-Suwa theory revisited. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (24).

Neretin, Yury A. (2011) Infinite-dimensional $p$-adic groups, semigroups of double cosets, and inner functions on Bruhat-Tits buildings. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (55).

Ohta, Shin-ichi and Takatsu, Asuka (2011) Displacement convexity of generalized relative entropies. II. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (88).

Onishchik, A. L. and Vishnyakova, E. G. (2011) Locally free sheaves on complex supermanifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (75).

Perroni, Fabio and Zhang, De-Qi (2011) Pseudo-automorphisms of positive entropy on the blowups of products of projective spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (74).

Prokhorova, Marina (2011) The spectral flow for Dirac operators on compact planar domains with local boundary conditions. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (76).

Rajan, C. S. (2011) On the irreducibility of irreducible characters of simple Lie algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (84).

Rosenberg, Alexander (2011) Geometry of Noncommutative 'Spaces' and Schemes. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (68).

Rosenberg, Alexander (2011) Homological algebra of noncommutative 'spaces' I. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (69).

Rosenberg, Alexander (2011) Noncommutative 'Spaces' and 'Stacks'. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (70).

Rossi, C. A. (2011) The Chevalley-Eilenberg complex and deformation quantization in presence of two branes. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (79).

Rossi, C. A. (2011) On KV, AT and compatibility between cup products. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (78).

Shoikhet, Boris (2011) Monoidal cofibrant resolutions of dg algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (83).

Spiridonov, V. P. (2011) Elliptic beta integrals and solvable models of statistical mechanics. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (40).

Spiridonov, V. P. (2011) Elliptic hypergeometric functions. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (85).

Stolz, Stephan and Teichner, Peter (2011) Supersymmetric field theories and generalized cohomology. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (49).

Stroppel, Catharina and Sussan, Joshua (2011) Categorified Jones-Wenzl projectors: A comparison. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (29).

Swoboda, Jan (2011) The Yang-Mills gradient flow and loop spaces of compact Lie groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (51).

Swoboda, Jan and Ziltener, Fabian (2011) Coisotropic displacement and small subsets of a symplectic manifold. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (1).

Swoboda, Jan and Ziltener, Fabian (2011) Hofer geometry of a subset of a symplectic manifold. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (17).

Tomasini, Guillaume (2011) Integrability of weight module of degree 1. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (46).

Tuite, Michael P. and Zuevsky, Alexander (2011) A generalized vertex operator algebra for Heisenberg intertwiners. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (43).

Uludag, A. Muhammed and Zeytin, Ayberk (2011) Quadrangulations of sphere, ball quotients and Belyi maps. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (59).

Vallette, Bruno (2011) Algebra + Homotopy = Operad. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (72).

Venturino, Ezio (2011) A minimal model for ecoepidemics with group defense. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (13).

Wan, James and Zudilin, Wadim (2011) Generating functions of Legendre polynomials: a tribute to Fred Brafman. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (37).

Yengui, Ihsen (2011) A solution to the Gröbner ring conjecture. MPIM Preprint Series 2011 (27).

This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 15:42:59 2025 CET.