Items where Division is "Preprints" and Year is 2002

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Agranovsky, M. L. and Quinto, E. T. (2002) Stationary sets for the wave equation in chrystallographic domains. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (126).

Albeverio, S. and Fei, S.-M. and Parashar, P. and Yang, W.-L. (2002) Nonlocal properties and local invariants for bipartite systems. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (73).

Aleksandrov, A. G. (2002) Meromorphic connections with logarithmic poles along with a free divisor. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (90).

Aluffi, P. (2002) Computing characteristic classes of projective schemes. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (30).

Aluffi, P. (2002) Five lectures on characteristic classes of singular varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (66).

Aluffi, P. (2002) Inclusion-exclusion and Segre classes. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (16).

Aluffi, P. (2002) Inclusion-exclusion and Segre classes, II. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (20).

Aluffi, P. (2002) shadows of blow-up algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (3).

Andrianov, A. (2002) Maass theta-series and Hecke operators. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (48).


Bakuradze, M. (2002) The formal group law and transferred Chern classes in Morava K-theory. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (130).

Banks, W. D. and Conflitti, A. and Friedlander, J. B. and Shparlinski, I. E. (2002) Exponential sums over Mersenne Numbers. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (96).

Belolipetsky, M. (2002) Cells and representations of right-angled Coxeter groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (87).

Bochnak, J. and Kucharz, W. (2002) Analytic cycles on real analytic manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (55).

Bonnard, I. and Pieroni, F. (2002) Constructible functions on 2-dimensional analytic manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (69).

Boos, H. E. and Korepin, V. E. and Smirnov, F. A. (2002) Emptiness formation probability and quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (127).

Bouw, I. I. (2002) Reduction of the Hurwitz space of metacyclic covers. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (24).

Bouw, I. I. and Wewers, S. (2002) Stable reduction of modular curves. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (137).

Burman, Yu. and Shapiro, M. (2002) Coding parking functions by pairs of permutations. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (104).

Buyalo, S. (2002) An estimate for the volume entropy of nonpositively curved graph manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (7).

Buyalo, S. and Ballmann, W. (2002) Periodic rank one geodesics in Hadamard spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (92).


Consani, C. and Kim, M. (2002) The Picard-Lefschetz formula and a conjecture of Kato: The case of Lefschetz fibrations. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (61).

Consani, C. and Marcolli, M. (2002) Non-commutative geometry, dynamics, and infinity-adic Arakelov geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (13).

Consani, C. and Marcolli, M. (2002) Triplets spectraux en geometrie d'Arakelov. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (62).

Crowley, D. J. (2002) The classification of highly connected manifolds in dimensions 7 and 15. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (19).


Demchenko, O. and Gurevich, A. (2002) Explicit formula for the action of the automorphism group of a formal group on the moduli space of its deformations. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (101).

Devchand, C. and Cortes, V. and Alekseevsky, D. V. (2002) Yang-Mills connections over manifolds with Grassmann structure. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (124).

Donin, J. (2002) Classification of polarized deformation quantizations. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (115).

Donin, J. and Mudrov, A. (2002) Explicit equivariant quantization on coadjoint orbits of GL(n,C). MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (123).


Ershov, A. V. (2002) Formal group laws over Hopf algebras and their application to complex cobordism theory. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (39).

Ershov, A. V. (2002) Symmetries in complex cobordism theory, related to stable equivalence classes of SU-bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (70).

Etingof, P. (2002) On Vafa's theorem for tensor categories. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (64).

Etingof, P. (2002) On the dynamical Yang-Baxter Equation. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (58).

Etingof, P. and Schiffmann, O. and Varchenko, A. (2002) Traces of intertwiners for quantum groups and difference Equations II. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (88).


Faltings, G. (2002) Algebraic loop groups and moduli spaces of bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (99).

Faltings, G. (2002) Finiteness of coherent cohomology for proper fppf stacks. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (100).

Faltings, G. (2002) Groupschemes with strict O-action. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (98).

Faltings, G. (2002) A relation between two moduli spaces studied by V. G. Drinfeld. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (97).

Felshtyn, A. (2002) Floer homology, Nielsen theory and symplectic zeta functions. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (131).

Ferrario, D. L. (2002) Symmetric periodic orbits for the n-body problem: some preliminary results. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (79).

Ferrario, D. L. and Baues, H.-J. (2002) Homotopy and homology of fibred spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (82).

Ferrario, D. L. and Baues, H.-J. (2002) K-theory of stratified vector bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (81).

Ferrario, D. L. and Baues, H.-J. (2002) Stratified fibre bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (80).

Fialowski, A. and Schlichenmaier, M. (2002) Global deformations of the Witt algebra of Kirchever-Novikov type. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (53).

Flenner, H. and Zaidenberg, M. (2002) Normal affine surfaces with C*-actions. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (116).

Fuertes, W. G. and Nunez, J. F. and Perelomov, A. M. (2002) A perturbative approach to the quantum elliptic Calogero-Sutherland model. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (146).

Fukuda, T. and Janeczko, S. (2002) Smooth integrability of implicit differential systems. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (78).


Gaillard, P. and Matveev, V. (2002) Wronskian addition formula and its applications. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (31).

Gelfand, I. and Gelfand, S. and Retakh, V. and Wilson, R. (2002) Quasideterminants. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (106).

Gindikin, S. (2002) Complex crowns of Riemann symmetric spaces and Matsuki duality. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (37).

Gindikin, S. (2002) An analytic separation of series of representations for SL(2; R). MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (36).

Gindikin, S. and Matsuki, T. (2002) A remark on Schubert cells and duality of orbits on flag manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (94).

Goncharov, A. B. (2002) Periods and mixed motives. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (105).

Goncharov, A. B. and Manin, Yu. I. (2002) Multiple $\zeta$-motives and moduli spaces $\overline M_{0,n}$. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (25).

Gorbounov, V. and Malikov, F. (2002) The chiral de Rham complex and positivity of the equivariant signature of the loop space. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (44).

Granath, H. (2002) On compact Shimura surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (151).

Gritsenko, V. A. and Nikulin, V. V. (2002) On classification of Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (49).

Gutnik, L. A. (2002) On linear forms with coefficients in $N\zeta(1+N)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (142).

Gutnik, L. A. (2002) On linear forms with coefficients in $N\zeta(1+N)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (54).

Gutnik, L. A. (2002) On the dimension of some linear spaces over finite extensions of Q. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (107).

Gutnik, L. A. (2002) On the rank over Q of some real matrices - Part 1. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (27).


Hertling, C. and Manin, Yu. (2002) Unfoldings of meromorphic connections and a construction of Frobenius manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (89).

Hertling, Claus (2002) tt^* geometry, Frobenius manifolds, their connections, and the construction for singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (12).

Hitrik, M. and Polterovich, I. (2002) Resolvent expansions and trace regularizations for Schrödinger operators. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (120).


Isaev, A. P. and Castellani, L. and Aschieri, P. (2002) Discretized Yang-Mills and Born-Infeld actions on finite group geometries. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (4).

Isaev, A. P. and Dolgushev, V. A. and Lyakhovich, S. L. and Sharapov, A. A. (2002) On the Fedosov deformation quantization beyond the regular Poisson manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (59).

Ishikawa, G. and Janeczko, S. (2002) Symplectic bifurcations of plane curves and isotropic liftings. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (6).

Ivic, A. (2002) Sums of squares of $|\zeta(1/2 + it)|$ over short intervals. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (52).


Janeczko, S. and Jelonek, Z. (2002) Linear automorphisms that are symplectomorphisms. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (132).

Jelonek, Z. (2002) About non-projective threefolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (117).

Jelonek, Z. (2002) A note about bifurcation points. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (143).

Jelonek, Z. and Kurdyka, K. (2002) Quantitative generalized Bertini-Sard theorem for smooth affine varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (157).


Kaimanovich, V. A. and Grines, V. Z. and Aranson, S. Kh. (2002) Classification of supertransitive 2-webs on surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (91).

Kamvissis, S. (2002) On the question of analyticity of data for semiclassical NLS. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (43).

Kamvissis, S. (2002) Riemann-Hilbert factorization and integrability. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (118).

Kamvissis, S. (2002) Semiclassical NLS on the half line. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (119).

Kamvissis, S. (2002) Zero dispersion limits of integrable equations. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (21).

Kamvissis, S. (2002) A variational problem related to semiclassical focusing NLS. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (93).

Kamvissis, S. and Fokas, A. S. (2002) Zero dispersion limit for integrable equations on the half line; linearisable data. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (138).

Kapovich, M. and Leeb, B. and Millson, J. J. (2002) The generalized triangle inequalities in symmetric spaces and buildings with applications to algebra. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (133).

Kaufmann, R. M. (2002) On several varieties of cacti and their relations. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (113).

Kaufmann, R. M. (2002) The algebra of discrete torsion. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (112).

Kaufmann, R. M. and Livernet, M. and Penner, R. C. (2002) Arc operads and Arc algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (114).

Kolyada, S. (2002) On spatiotemporal chaos. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (26).

Konno, H. (2002) Variation of toric hyperKähler manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (144).

Konyagin, S. V. (2002) An additive problem with fractional powers. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (60).

Kucharz, W. (2002) Algebraic equivalence of cycles and algebraic models of smooth manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (50).

Kucharz, W. (2002) Rational and homological equivalence of real algebraic cycles. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (57).


Lebedev, D. and Kharchev, S. and Gerasimov, A. (2002) Representation theory and quantum inverse scattering method: Open Toda chain and hyperbolic Sutherland model. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (34).

Levin, A. M. and Olshanetsky, M. A. and Zotov, A. (2002) Hitchin systems - symplectic Hecke correspondence and two-dimensional version. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (32).

Lu, S. S. Y (2002) A refined Kodaira dimension and its canonical fibration. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (140).

Lu, S. S.-Y. (2002) The Kobayashi pseudometric on algebraic manifold and a canonical fibration. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (18).

Lupercio, E. and Uribe, B. (2002) Inertia orbifolds, configuration spaces and the ghost loop space. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (136).

Lück, W. and Davis, J. F. (2002) The p-chain spectral sequence. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (161).


Manin, Yu. I. (2002) Real multiplication and noncommutative geometry (ein Alterstraum). MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (22).

Manin, Yu. I. (2002) Von Zahlen und Figuren. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (23).

Manin, Yu. I. and Marcolli, M. (2002) Holography principle and arithmetic of algebraic curves. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (1).

Marcolli, M. (2002) A system of ODE for ASD connections and Dirac monopoles (in Russian). MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (40).

Marcolli, M. and Consani, C. (2002) New perspectives in Arakelov geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (145).

Marcolli, M. and Consani, C. (2002) Spectral triples from Mumford curves. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (149).

Marcolli, M. and Wang, B. L. and Booss-Bavnbek, B. (2002) Weak UCP and perturbed monopole equations. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (17).

Marcolli, M. and Wang, B.-L. (2002) Variants of equivariant Seiberg-Witten Floer homology. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (150).

Matveev, S. V. (2002) Computer recognition of Seifert 3-manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (67).

Matveev, S. V. (2002) Tables of spines and 3-manifolds up to complexity 7. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (71).

Matveev, V. B. (2002) Functional difference analogues of Darboux-Pöshl-Teller potentials. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (125).

Miller, P. D. and McLaughlin, K. T.-R. and Kamvissis, S. (2002) Semiclassical Soliton Ensembles for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (68).

Milne, J. S. and Ramachandran, N. (2002) Integral motives and special values of zeta functions. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (134).

Moraru, R. and Brinzanescu, V. (2002) Holomorphic rank-2 vector bundles over non-Kähler elliptic surfaces I. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (135).

Movasati, H. (2002) Abelian integrals in holomorphic foliations. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (15).

Movasati, H. (2002) Center conditions: Rigidity of logarithmic differential equations. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (72).

Movasati, H. (2002) Meromorphic connections on $\mathbb{P}^1$ and the multiplicity of Abelian integrals. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (14).


Nistor, V. and Troitsky, E. (2002) An index for gauge-invariant operators and the Dixmier-Douady invariant. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (9).


Ohta, H. and Ono, K. (2002) Simple singularities and symplectic fillings. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (83).

Ohta, H. and Ono, K. (2002) Symplectic fillings of the link of simple elliptic singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (84).

Olshanetsky, M. (2002) Integrable tops and non-commutative torus. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (11).

Olshanetsky, M. A. (2002) Lie algebroids as gauge symmetries in topologocal field theories. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (2).


Panchishkin, A. A. (2002) Admissible measures for standard L-functions and nearly holomorphic Siegel modular forms. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (42).

Panchishkin, A. A. (2002) Arithmetical differential operators on nearly holomorphic Siegel modular forms. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (41).

Panov, A. N. (2002) Ore extensions of Hopf algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (29).

Parashar, P. (2002) Induced Representations of $U_q so(5)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (74).

Park, J. and Wojciechowski, K. P. (2002) Adiabatic decomposition of the \zeta-determinant and scattering theory. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (28).

Penkov, I. and Donin, J. (2002) Finite rank vector bundles on inductive limits of grassmannians. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (152).

Penkov, I. and Neeb, K.-H. (2002) Cartan subalgebras of $\mathfrak{gl}_\infty$. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (159).

Perelomov, A. M. (2002) On frequencies of small oscillations of some dynamical systems associated with root systems. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (153).

Pervova, E. L. (2002) Maximal subgroups of non locally finite p-groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (158).

Pervova, E. L. (2002) Profinite topologies in just infinite branch groups. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (154).

Petridis, Y. N. (2002) Spectral deformations and Eisenstein series associated with modular symbols. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (147).

Positselski, L. (2002) Calois cohomology of certain field extensions and the divisible case of Milnor-Kato conjecture. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (155).

Prasad, A. (2002) Almost unramified automorphic representations for split groups over $F_q(t)$. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (108).

Prokhorov, Yu. G. (2002) On Zariski decomposition problem. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (163).

Prokhorov, Yu. G. (2002) An application of the canonical bundle formula. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (162).

Proskurin, N. V. (2002) Notes on the Airy function. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (35).

Pukhlikov, A. V. (2002) Birationally rigid iterated Fano double covers. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (156).


Schilling, A. (2002) Rigged configurations and the Bethe ansatz. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (128).

Schilling, A. and Okado, M. and Shimozono, M. (2002) Virtual crystals and Kleber's algorithm. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (121).

Schultens, J. (2002) Additivity properties of the width of knots. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (111).

Schultens, J. (2002) Heegaard splittings of graph manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (110).

Sergeev, S. (2002) Evolution operator for a quantum pendulum. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (148).

Sergeev, S. (2002) Functional equations and quantum separation of variables for 3d spin models. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (46).

Sergeev, S. (2002) An evidence for a phase transition in three dimensional lattice models. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (139).

Sergeev, S. and Pakuliak, S. (2002) Quantum relativistic Toda chain at root of unity: Isospectrality, modified Q-operator and functional Bethe ansatz. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (45).

Sergeev, S. and Pakuliak, S. (2002) Spectral curves and parameterizations of a discrete integrable 3-dimensional model. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (85).

Skorobogatov, A. and Harari, D. (2002) The Brauer group of torsors and its arithmetic applications. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (33).

Spiridonov, V. P. (2002) Modularity and total ellipticity of some multiple series of hypergeometric type. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (75).

Spiridonov, V. P. (2002) An elliptic incarnation of the Bailey chain. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (65).

Styrkas, K. and Tarasov, V. and Varchenko, A. (2002) How to regularize singular vectors and kill the dynamical Weyl group. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (86).


Tanabe, S. (2002) Hodge structure of fibre integrals associated to the affine hypersurface in a torus. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (56).

Tanabe, S. (2002) Invariant of the hypergeometric group associated to the quantum cohomology of the projective space. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (38).

Teichner, P. and Garoufalidis, S. (2002) On knots with trivial Alexander polynomial. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (77).

Tikhomirov, A. S. (2002) New component of the moduli space $M(2;0,3)$ of stable vector bundles on the double space $P^3$ of index two. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (5).

Tikhomirov, A. S. and Markushevich, D. G. (2002) A parameterization of the theta divisor of the quartic double solid. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (164).

Tolev, D. I. (2002) Lagrange's four squares theorem with variables of special type. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (51).

Tolev, D. I. and Heath-Brown, D. R. (2002) Lagrange's four squares theorem with one prime and three almost-prime variables. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (47).

Tyurin, A. (2002) On the Mumford-Narasimhan problem. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (129).

Tziolas, N. (2002) Simultaneous Q-factorialization of divisors and applications to 3-fold divisorial contractions that contract a divisor onto a cu. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (160).


Vainshtein, A. and Shapiro, M. and Gekhtman, M. (2002) Cluster algebras and Poisson geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (95).

Vershik, A. M. (2002) Distance matrices, random metrics and Urysohn space. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (8).

Voskresenskii, V. E. (2002) Galois lattices and toric varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (109).

Vostokov, S. (2002) The Kneser relation and the Hilbert pairing in multidimensional local field. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (10).

Vostokov, S. V. and Bondarko, M. V. (2002) Explicit classification of formal groups over local fields. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (63).

Vybornov, M. and Malkin, A. and Frenkel, I. (2002) Quiver varieties, affine Lie algebras, algebras of BPS states, and semicanonical basis. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (76).

von Gehlen, G. and Pakuliak, S. and Sergeev, S. (2002) Explicit free parameterization of the Modified Tetrahedron Equation. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (102).


Waldron, A. and Pioline, B. (2002) Quantum cosmology and conformal invariance. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (122).

Wang, S. (2002) Simple compact quantum groups I. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (141).

Weidmann, R. and Schultens, J. (2002) On the geometric and the algebraic rank of graph manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 2002 (103).

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