Items where Division is "Preprints" and Year is 1997

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Number of items: 113.

MPIM Preprint

Alekseevsky, D. V. and Cortes, V. and Devchand, C. and Semmelmann, U. (1997) Killing spinors are Killing vector fields in Riemannian Supergeometry. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (29).

Arlettaz, D and Banaszk, G. and Gajda, W. (1997) On products in algebraic K-theory. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (50).

Ashikaga, T. (1997) Surface Singularities on Cyclic Coverings and an Inequality for the signature. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (71).

Askitas, N. (1997) Grids as unknotting operations. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (81).

Askitas, N. (1997) Multi-# unknotting operations: A new family of local moves on a knot diagram ... MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (53 a).

Askitas, N. (1997) A note on the #-unknotting operation. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (53 b).

Askitas, N. A. (1997) Multi-# unknotting operations: A new family of local moves on a knot diagram ... MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (69).

Badescu, L. and Schneider, M. (1997) Formal-Rational Functions on Homogenous Spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (57).

Baues, H.-J. (1997) The cobar construction as a Hopf algebra and the Lie differential. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (52).

Belabas, K. (1997) On the 3-rank of quadratic fields. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (67).

Belabas, K. and Fouvry, E. (1997) Sur l'independance du 2-rang et du 3-rang des corps quadratiques. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (66).

Beltrametti, M. C. and Sommese, A. J. (1997) Projective manifolds with small pluridegrees. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (88).

Belyi, G. V. (1997) Another Proof of Three Points Theorem. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (46).

Belyi, G. V. (1997) Markoff's Numbers and Quadratic Forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (47).

Bezrukavnikov, R. and Finkelberg, M. and Schechtman, V. (1997) Factorizable Sheaves and Quantum Groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (111).

Bielawski, R. (1997) Asymptotic metrics for SU(N)-monopoles. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (108).

Bielawski, R. (1997) Monopoles and the Gibbons-Manton metric. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (107).

Bielawski, Roger (1997) Reconstruction of Hamiltonian Tn-spaces in Quaternionic Riemannian Geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (9).

Bilu, Y. and Hanrot, G. (1997) Solving superelliptic Diophantine equations. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (43).

Bondal, A. and Orlov, D (1997) Reconstruction of a variety from the derived category and groups of autoequivalences. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (36).

Boyer, C. P. and Galicki, K and Mann, B. M. (1997) A note on smooth reductions of spheres. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (91).

Boyer, C. P. and Galicki, K. and Manin, B. M. (1997) Hypercomplex Structures from 3-Sasakian Structures. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (76).

Calegari, F. (1997) p-descent and average ranks of elliptic curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (102).

Chmutov, S. and Duzhin, S. (1997) Kontsevich integral. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (82).

Colliot-Thelene, J.-L. and Skorobogatov, A. N. and Swinnerton-Dyer, Sir Peter (1997) Hasse principle for pencils of curves of genus one whose Jacobians have rational 2-division points. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (42).

Cutkovsky, D. and Herzog, J. and Trung, N.-V. (1997) Asymptotic behaviour of the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (87).

Dabrowski, A. and Pomykala, J. (1997) Distribution of zeros of twisted motivic L-functions. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (103).

Dabrowski, A. and Pomykala, J. (1997) Nonvanishing of motivic L-functions. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (6).

Dais, Dimitrios I. and Henk, Martin and Ziegler, Guenter M. (1997) All Abelian Quotient C.I.-Singularities Admit Projective Crepant Resolutions in All Dimensions. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (4).

Eholzer, W. and Ibukiyama, T. (1997) Rankin-Cohen type differential operators for Siegel modular forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (33).

Fukumoto, Y. and Furuta, M. (1997) Homology 3-spheres bounding acyclic 4-manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (112).

Furuta, M. (1997) Stable homotopy version of Seiberg-Witten invariant. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (110).

Gekhtman, M. (1997) Hamiltonian Structure of Nonabelian Toda Lattice. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (84).

Gilkey, P. B. and Park, J. H. and Tuschmann, W. (1997) Invariant Metrics of positive Ricci Curvature on Principal Bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (7).

Goettsche, Lothar and Zagier, Don (1997) Jacobi Forms and the Structure of Donaldson Invariants for 4-Manifolds with b+ = 1. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (3).

Goncharov, A. B. (1997) Differential equations and integral geometry. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (44).

Goncharov, A. B. (1997) Geometry of trilogarithm. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (65).

Goncharov, A. B. (1997) Mixed elliptic motives. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (93).

Goncharov, A. B. and Levin, A. M. (1997) Zagier's conjecture on L(E,2). MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (14).

Gong, D. (1997) Analytic Torsion Forms and Torsion-Signature Invariants. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (83).

Gong, D. and Rothenberg, M. (1997) Analytic torsion forms for noncompact fiber bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (105).

Gorbounov, V. and Mahowald, M. (1997) Formal Completion of the Jacobians of Plane Curves and higher Real K-Theories. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (75).

Hambleton, I and Taylor, L. R. (1997) A Guide to the Calculation of Surgery Obstruction Groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (55).

Hambleton, I. and Pedersen, E. K. (1997) Topological Equivalence of Linear Representations for Cyclic Groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (58).

Hambleton, Ian and Taylor, Laurence R. (1997) Rational Permutation Modules for Finite Groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (26).

Hanamura, M. (1997) Mixed motives and algebraic cycles II. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (106).

Henn, Hans-Werner (1997) Unstable Modules over the Steenrod Algebra and Cohomology of Groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (28).

Henn, Hans-Werner (1997) A Variant of the Proof of the Landweber Stong Conjecture. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (27).

Hirzebruch, F. (1997) Emmy Noether and Topology. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (34).

Ibukiyama, T. (1997) On differential operators on automorphic forms and invariant pluriharmonic polynomials. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (38).

Ibukiyama, T. and Onodera, F. (1997) On the graded ring of modular forms of the Siegel modular group of level 2. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (30).

Ibukiyama, T. and Saito, H. (1997) On zeta functions associated to symmetric matrices (II). MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (37).

Izhboldin, O. T. (1997) On the Isotropy of low dimensional Forms over the Function of a Quadratic. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (1).

Kabanov, A. and Kimura, T. (1997) Intersection Numbers and Rank One Cohomological Field Theories in Genus One. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (61).

Kapranov, Mikhail M. and Saito, Masahico (1997) Hidden Stasheff polytopes in algebraic K-theory and in the scape of Morse functions. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (2).

Karpov, B. (1997) Testing S-duality conjecture and exceptional bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (40).

Kato, S. and Umehara, M. and Yamada, K. (1997) General existence of minimal surfaces with prescribed flux II. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (12).

Kondo, S. (1997) On the Kodaira Dimension of the Moduli Space of K3-surfaces II. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (59).

Kondo, S. (1997) The automorphism group of a generic Jacobian Kummer surface. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (39).

Kontsevich, M. and Manin, Yu. (1997) Relations between the correlators of the topological sigma-model coupled to gravity. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (95).

Kotschick, D. (1997) Einstein Metrics and Smooth Structures. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (54).

Kramer, W. and Semmelmann, U. and Weingart, G. (1997) The First Eigenvalue of the Dirac Operator on Quaternionic Kaehler Manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (90).

Krushkal, V. S. (1997) Embedding obstructions and 4-dimensional thickenings of 2-complexes. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (86).

Kuleshov, S. (1997) Moduli spaces of sheaves necessary for testing of S-duality conjecture. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (32).

Kuznetsov, A. G. (1997) Fano threefolds V_22. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (24).

Kuznetsov, A. G. (1997) GL_4-equivariant desingularization of the universal curve over the Ellingsrud-Piene-Stromme compactification of the space of twi. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (21).

Kuznetsov, A. G. (1997) The length-2 method for instantons over $\mathbb{P}^3$ with $c_2=3$. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (22).

Lauter, K. (1997) Deligne-Lusztig curves as ray class fields. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (63).

Lauter, K. (1997) A formula for constructing curves over finite fields with many rational points. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (64).

Le, H.-V. (1997) Topology of symplectomorphism groups and pseudoholomorphic curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (85).

Leandre, Rene (1997) Stochastic Cohomology of the Frame Bundle of the Loop Space. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (11).

Levin, A. (1997) Polylogarithms on Abelian Varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (18).

Levin, A. and Olshanetsky, M. A. (1997) Classical limit of the KZB equations as hierarchy of isomonodromic deformations. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (113).

Losik, M. (1997) Lifts of Diffeomorphisms of the Orbit Space for a Finite Reflection Group. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (56).

Lupton, G. (1997) Variations on a Conjecture of Halperin. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (72).

Lvovski, S. (1997) On Graded Betti Numbers for Finite Subsets of Curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (31).

MPI f. Mathematik (1997) Arbeitstagung 1997. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (62).

Manin, Yu. I. and Merkulov, S. A. (1997) Semisimple Frobenius (Super)manifolds and Quantum Cohomology of P^r. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (20).

Matsumoto, M. (1997) Simple cellular automata as pseudorandom m-sequence generators for built-in self-test. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (73).

Matsumoto, M. (1997) A presentation of Mapping Class Groups in terms of Artin Groups and Geometric Monodromy of Singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (74).

Matsumoto, M. and Nishimura, T. (1997) Mersenne Twister: A 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (89).

Matsumoto, M. and Tamagawa, T. (1997) Mapping-Class-Group Action Versus Galois Action on Profinite Fundamental Group. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (92).

Moree, P. and Stevenhagen, P. (1997) Prime divisors of Lucas sequences. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (35).

Moree, Pieter (1997) Uniform distribution of primes having a prescribed primitive root. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (5).

Morimoto, M. (1997) Equivariant Surgery Theory: Deleting-Inserting Teorem of Fixed Point Manifolds on Spheres. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (41).

Morimoto, M. (1997) Equivariant surgery with middle dimensional singular sets II. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (48).

Neretin, Y. (1997) Boundary values of holomorphic functions and some spectral problems for unitary repesentations. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (51).

Oertel, U. and Lustig, M. (1997) Invariant Laminations for Diffeomorphisms of Handlebodies. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (15).

Orlov, D. (1997) Equivalence in Derived Categories and K3-Surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (45).

Orlov, D. (1997) On equivalences of derived categories of coherent sheaves on abelian varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (49).

Panyushev, D. (1997) Actions of nilpotent tori on G-varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (104).

Panyushev, D. I. (1997) On actions of a maximal torus on orbits of highest weight vectors. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (98).

Poletaeva, E. (1997) Semi-infinite Weil complex and N=2 superconformal algebra I. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (78).

Poletaeva, E. (1997) Semi-infinite Weil complex and superconformal algebra II. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (79).

Pukhilov, Aleksandr V. (1997) Birational automorphisms of Fano hypersurfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (13).

Rolshausen, K. and Schappacher, N. (1997) On the second K-group off an elliptic curve. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (94).

Rovinsky, M. (1997) Generic Cycles. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (80).

Russo, B. and Bigas, M. T. (1997) On a Conjecture of Lange. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (99).

Semenov, Yu. (1997) Finite free resolutions and homology of finitely generated torsion-free nilpotent groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (100).

Sharafutdinov, V. A. (1997) On an inverse problem of determining a connection on a vector bundle. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (109).

Skorobogatov, A. N. (1997) Beyond the Manin obstruction. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (101).

Spilrain, Vladimir and Yu, Jie-Tai (1997) Polynomial Retracts and the Jacobian Conjecture. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (10).

Stolz, Stephan (1997) Multiplicities of Dupin Hypersurfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (25).

Takamura, S. (1997) Laurent deformation of algebraic surfaces with an isolated singularity. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (70).

Takamura, S. (1997) Versal families of pseudoconcave Kaehler-Einstein surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (97).

Tian, Q. (1997) Height of Heegner Cycles and Derivatives of L-series. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (19).

Toen, B (1997) Theoremes de Riemann-Roch pour les champs de Deligne-Mumford. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (68).

Voevodsky, V. (1997) The Milnor Conjecture. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (8).

Wang, W. (1997) Duality in infinite dimensional Fock representations. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (96).

Yang, J. H. (1997) Maass-Jacobi Forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (23).

Yang, Jae-Hyun (1997) Invariant Differential Operators on SP_2 x R^(1,2). MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (17).

Yang, Jae-Hyun (1997) Lattice Representations of Heisenberg Groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (16).

Yang, T. (1997) An Explicit Formula for local densities of quadratic forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1997 (77).

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