Items where Division is "Preprints" and Year is 1989

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Number of items: 93.

MPIM Preprint

Aoki, N. (1989) Simple factors of the jacobian of a Fermat curve and the Picard number of a product of Fermat curves. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (82).

Arakawa, T. (1989) On Chowla's conjecture for class numbers of real quadratic fields. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (62).

Arakawa, T. (1989) Real analytic Eisenstein series for the Jacobi group. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (63).

Assadi, A. H. (1989) Algebraic invariants for finite group actions I: Varieties. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (47).

Assadi, A. H. (1989) On finite domination and simple homotopy type of nonsimply-connected G-spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (25).

Assadi, A. H. (1989) On representations of finite transformation groups of algebraic curves and surfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (26).

Assadi, A. H. and Barlow, R. (1989) Abelian group actions on algebraic varieties with one fixed point. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (4).

Assadi, A. H. and Barlow, R. and Knop, F. (1989) Abelian group actions on algebraic varieties with one fixed point. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (11).

Bando, Shigetoshi (1989) Bubbling out of Einstein Manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (10).

Bando, Shigetoshi (1989) Removable singularities of holomorphic vector bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (41).

Barthel, G. and Dimca, A. (1989) On complex projective hypersurfaces which are homology-Pns. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (53).

Bauer, St. (1989) Parabolic bundles, elliptic surfaces and SU(2)-representation spaces of genus zero Fuchsian groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (67).

Bauer, St. and Okonek, Ch. (1989) The algebraic geometry of representation spaces associated to Seifert fibered homology 3-spheres. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (27).

Baues, H.-J. (1989) Quadratic functors and metastable homotopy I (Homological algebra of quadratic functors). MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (24).

Baues, H.-J. (1989) Quadratic functors and metastable homotopy II (Homotopy groups of Moors spaces and homology groups of Eilenberg-Mac Lane Spaces). MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (31).

Baues, H.-J. and Dreckmann, W. (1989) The cohomology of homotopy categories and the general linear group. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (5).

Baues, H.-J. and Hennes, M. (1989) The homotopy classification of (n-1)-connected (n+3)-dimensional polyhedra, n>4. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (21).

Borovoi, M. V. (1989) On weak approximation in homogeneous spaces of simply connected algebraic groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (86).

Borovoi, M. V. (1989) The algebraic fundamental group and Abelian Galois cohomology of reductive algebraic groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (90).

Cohen, P. and Wolfart, J. (1989) Monodromie des fonctions d'Appell variétés abéliennes et plongement modulaire. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (80).

Dao Trong Thi (1989) On the special Lagrangian geometry of Hermitian manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (43).

Dao Trong Thi (1989) Renewal processes on topological spaces with uniform action groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (87).

Dao Trong Thi (1989) The maximum principle and the growth of volume minimizing hypersurfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (93).

Dimca, A. (1989) Alexander polynomials for projective hypersurfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (42).

Dimca, A. (1989) Differential forms and hypersurface singularities. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (33).

Dimca, Alexandru (1989) Betti numbers of hypersurfaces and defects of linear systems. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (6).

Dovermann, K. H. and Dong Youp Suh (1989) Smith equivalence for finite Abelian groups. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (13).

Dovermann, K. H. and Knop, F. (1989) Topological Invariants of real algebraic actions. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (16).

Elstrodt, J. and Grunewald, F. and Mennicke, J. (1989) Kloosterman sums for Clifford algebras, Poincare series and a lower bound for the smallest positive eigenvalue of the laplacian for congruence subgroups acting on hyperbolic spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (14).

Fletcher, A. R. (1989) Working with weighted complete intersections. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (35).

Franke, J. (1989) Chern functors. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (29).

Gaeta, Federico (1989) Associate forms, joint, multiplicities and an intrinsic elimination theory. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (2).

Gekeler, E.-U. (1989) On finite Drinfeld modules. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (9).

Gekeler, E.-U. (1989) On regularity of small primes in function fields. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (7).

Robert, Gilles (1989) Multiplication complexe et Lois de Réciprocité: Le Cas Des Fonctions Modulaires Elliptiques. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (44).

Greither, C. (1989) On generic $C_{p^n}$-extensions. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (59).

Khoai, Ha Huy (1989) Heights for p-adic holomorphic functions of several variables. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (83).

Khoai, Ha Huy (1989) Heights for p-adic meromorphic functions and value distribution theory. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (76).

Hambleton, I. and Kreck, M. (1989) The cancellation of hyperbolic forms over orders in semisimple algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (91).

Herrmann, M. and Moonen, B. and Villamayor, O. (1989) Ideals of linear type and some variants. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (8).

Hirzebruch, F. and Slodowy, P. (1989) Elliptic genera, involutions, and homogeneous spin-manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (58).

Illman, S. (1989) The restriction homomorphism $Res^G_H: Wh_G(X) \to Wh_H(X)$ for $G$ a compact Lie group. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (89).

Itoh, Mitsuhiro (1989) Higgs fields and harmonic maps. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (45).

Kellerhals, R. (1989) On Schläfli's reduction formula. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (81).

Khoai, Ha Huy and Nguyen Van Khue (1989) Finite codimensional subalgebras of Stein algebras and semiglobally Stein algebras. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (71).

Koch, H. and Venkov, B. B. (1989) Über gerade Unimodulare Gitter der Dimension 32, III. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (85).

Kreck, M. (1989) On the homeomorphism classification of smooth knotted surfaces in the 4-sphere. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (79).

MPI f. Mathematik (1989) Links between geometry and physics, Schloß Ringberg, April 1989 second meeting. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (38).

Mayer, Dieter H. (1989) Continued fractions and related transformations. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (73).

Mayer, Dieter H. (1989) On the thermodynamic formalism for the Gauss map. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (74).

Mestre, J. F. and Schappacher, N. (1989) Séries de Kronecker et fonctions L des puissances symétriques de courbes elliptiques sur Q. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (77).

Mong, K.-Ch. (1989) Some polynomials on $\mathbb{P}_2(\mathbb{C}) \# \overline{\mathbb{P}_2(\mathbb{C})}$. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (32).

Mong, K. C. (1989) Stable 2-bundles with (c1,c2)=(0,2) over a homotopy K3 surface. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (69).

Mong, K. C. (1989) A remark on Taubes' grafting procedure of instantons. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (72).

Mong, Kai-Cheong (1989) Moduli spaces of stable 2-bundles and polarizations. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (36).

Mong, Kai-Cheong (1989) On some possible formulation of differential invariants for 4-manifolds. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (34).

Mong, Kai-Cheong (1989) Polynomial invariants for 4-manifolds of type (1,n) and a calculation of $S^2\times S^2$. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (37).

Mong, Kai-Cheong (1989) A realization of the intersection form in Yang-Mills theory. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (92).

Moroz, B. Z. (1989) Recent progress in analytic arithmetic of positive definite quadratic forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (50).

Nikulin, V. V. (1989) Algebraic surfaces with log-terminal singularities and nef anticanonical class and reflecton groups in Lobachevsky spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (28).

Nitta, Takashi (1989) Compactification of moduli spaces of Einstein-Hermitian connections for null-correlation bundles. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (19).

Ochanine, S. (1989) Elliptic genera, modular forms over KO* and the Brown-Kervaire invariant. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (78).

Ohnita, Y. and Yanglian, P. (1989) On weakly stable Yang-Mills fields over positively pinched manifolds and certain symmetric spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (49).

Ohnita, Yoshihiro and Valli, Giorgio (1989) Pluriharmonic maps into compact Lie groups and factorization into unitons. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (3).

Panchishkin, A. A. (1989) Non-Arcbimedean L-Functions associated with Siegel modular forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (55).

Panchishkin, A. A. (1989) Non-Archimedean L-Functions associated with Hilbert modular forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (54).

Panciskin, A. A. (1989) Über nichtarchimedische symmetrische Quadrate von Spitzenformen. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (52).

Parusinski, A. (1989) Euler characteristic and Dimca-Némethi formula. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (15).

Pawalowski, K. (1989) Nonlinear smooth group actions on disks, spheres, and Euclidean spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (30).

Plaut, C. (1989) A Hadamard-Cartan theorem for metric spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (75).

Plaut, C. (1989) A metric characterization of manifolds with boundary. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (60).

Ratiu, T. and Todorov, A. (1989) An infinite dimensional point of view on Teichmüller theory (the moment map, Bers embedding and Weil-Petersson metric). MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (70).

Robert, G. (1989) A new formulation of the explicit reciprocity law. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (12).

Schappacher, N. (1989) Les conjectures des Beilinson pour les courbes elliptiques. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (84).

Schechtman, V. V. and Varchenko, A. N. (1989) Integral Representation of N-Point Conformal Correlators in the WZW Model. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (51).

Shokurov, V. V. (1989) Special 3-dimensional flips. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (22).

Skoruppa, N. P. (1989) Binary quadratic forms and the Fourier coefficients of elliptic and Jacobi Modular forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (57).

Skoruppa, Nils-Peter (1989) Developments in the theory of Jacobi forms. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (40).

Soergel, W. (1989) Kategorie O, perverse Garben und Moduln über den Koinvarianten zur Weylgruppe. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (46).

Soergel, W. (1989) Parabolisch-singulare Dualitat für Kategorie O. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (68).

Szabo, Z. I. (1989) Higher order laplacians I. harmonic and two-points-homogeneous spaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (65).

Szabo, Z. I. (1989) Higher order laplacians II. laplacian commuting with the higher orders. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (66).

Szabo, Z. I. (1989) Two point homogeneous spaces are symmetric. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (64).

Thomas, Ch. B. (1989) Characteristic classes and 2-modular representations for some sporadic simple groups - II. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (20).

Tsuchiya, Akihiro and Ueno, K. and Yamada, Yasuhiko (1989) Conformal field theory of an universal family of stable curves with Gauge symmetries. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (18).

Urabe, Tohsuke (1989) Combinations of rational double points on the deformation of quadrilateral singularities III. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (1).

Vuillermot, P. A. (1989) Attracteurs presque-périodiques pour unelclasse d'équations paraboliques nonlinéaires du type reaction-diffusion sur $R^n$. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (88).

Xu, M. (1989) The hyperosculating spaces of hypersurfaces. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (61).

Zagier, D. (1989) Elliptische Kurven - Fortschritte und Anwendungen. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (23).

Zagier, D. B. (1989) The Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture from a naive point of view. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (48).

Zagier, Don B. (1989) The Bloch-Wigner-Ramakrishnan polylogarithm function. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (39).

Zagier, Don B. (1989) Periods of modular forms and Jacobi theta functions. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (56).

Zarhin, Yuri G. (1989) Finiteness Theorems for dimensions of irreducible $\lambda$-adic representations. MPIM Preprint Series 1989 (17).

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